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lesbian blonde brunette

Saw this picture on facebook does anyone know who they are

Saw these sexy milfs on facebook anyone know who they ate
Correct answer
This one is really weird and difficult! :-(

Honestly, I think your pic is Ai generated and does not depict real girls. Also, both names below your pic - Leona Michalová and Ove Färdig - might also be fake names created by AI, simulating real people that don't exist.

I'm not sure about it; it would be cool if someone with more experience in AI could take a look at it and give an opinion.

First: In your pic, the booty of the brunette girl looks un-natural when it comes to the connection to her right leg - that looks extremely weird. And then take a look at the left hand of the blonde girl - her fingers seem falsely rendered by a machine. Also, the bottle on the back of the brunette girl looks kind of wrong...

Second: I used pimeyes (restricted version) for both faces, and the blurry thumbnails are all over the place. The results show so many different girls - in my experience, that always happens with pics that are AI generated.

Third: For the name Leona Michalová aka Leonie Michaels, a facebook page and a tiktok account exist here:

I put dozens of pics from her tiktoks into pimeyes - and they don't match. Even pics on which the name is written don't match. And the details on her facebook page are suspicious - living and studying in Sweden, but then pics from Prague - it doesn't add up.

And, once again, when you take a better look at details of the pics, you can see weird mistakes. Especially the fingers - here are 2 examples:
ai in answer #2005011
ai in answer #2005011

Fourth: For the name Ove Färdig, an account on instagram exists here:

When you click through the posts, you can see that the girls in them are not the same - it's also - obviously - a fake account for a fake name.

Conclusion: I think they are not real. But, as I wrote, I'm not an expert. Maybe someone else can take a look?
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@newbie2 okay thank youJaurireport
This one is really weird and difficult! :-(

Honestly, I think your pic is Ai generated and does not depict real girls. Also, both names below your pic - Leona Michalová and Ove Färdig - might also be fake names created by AI, simulating real people that don't exist.

I'm not sure about it; it would be cool if someone with more experience in AI could take a look at it and give an opinion.

First: In your pic, the booty of the brunette girl looks un-natural when it comes to the connection to her right leg - that looks extremely weird. And then take a look at the left hand of the blonde girl - her fingers seem falsely rendered by a machine. Also, the bottle on the back of the brunette girl looks kind of wrong...

Second: I used pimeyes (restricted version) for both faces, and the blurry thumbnails are all over the place. The results show so many different girls - in my experience, that always happens with pics that are AI generated.

Third: For the name Leona Michalová aka Leonie Michaels, a facebook page and a tiktok account exist here:

I put dozens of pics from her tiktoks into pimeyes - and they don't match. Even pics on which the name is written don't match. And the details on her facebook page are suspicious - living and studying in Sweden, but then pics from Prague - it doesn't add up.

And, once again, when you take a better look at details of the pics, you can see weird mistakes. Especially the fingers - here are 2 examples:
ai in answer #2005011
ai in answer #2005011

Fourth: For the name Ove Färdig, an account on instagram exists here:

When you click through the posts, you can see that the girls in them are not the same - it's also - obviously - a fake account for a fake name.

Conclusion: I think they are not real. But, as I wrote, I'm not an expert. Maybe someone else can take a look?
@newbie2 do u know who they areJaurireport
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