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Feb 6, 5:28 AM

Dec 2021
Kaseki's gotta be the happiest dude alive. Spent decades feeling like a total outcast, just making shields and bridges on repeat and now he’s seeing crazy stuff, building wild inventions, and actually putting all that experience to use. Dude’s living the dream. Also, holy shit they’re actually letting Suika in the gang?! Can’t wait to see what kind of important thing she does to 'prove herself.' She’s just a tiny kid in the middle of a science war, but no way that’s stopping her.

Anywho, totally didn't expect Taiju to pull that off so well. Guess Senku's rubbing off on him. Hope he gets to do some actual science stuff too. But yeah, kinda worrying that they had a full convo over the radio… Whyman can totally listen in, and that’s something they really need to keep in mind as this war kicks off. Both sides are crazy strong, but they got different gadgets. This is straight-up Science Civil War xD

Feb 6, 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, this episode goes to show how dangerous their new adventure can really be in unfamiliar territory.

Senku and his crew had to face off against the scientist Xeno. He's like the perfect representation of a scientist given his intelligence and even has a bit mad scientist look imo. Loved the way they protrayed Xeno's personality in animated form.
Feb 6, 6:23 AM

Oct 2009
Bamboo doesn't naturally grow in America.

Uh. Yeah. Well. people don't naturally speak Japanese in America either, yet you just happened to stumble into one who does. Among the few who are alive, too, because lest we forget, the world, by and large, is petrified. But sure, let's draw the line there... I guess? While you start to rebuild an airplane you've never seen before and start to transform your ship into an aircraft carrier... when the enemy knows your position and can strike at any time, because they have all sorts of superiority. Not like all that takes major time, right?

I dunno, for all the suspension of disbelief this series demands, these basic-ass leaps in logic feel like they make things stumble a lot more than the obvious over-the-top stuff. Exactly because they're at such basic level, I'd guess. Not even sure how they switched the talk to the revival fluid either tbh, that felt like something was missing there too.
Feb 6, 6:48 AM

Feb 2020
This map reminded me a bit of Hoenn route 119
Feb 6, 7:43 AM

Jan 2018
Wow. Dr. Xeno can speak Japanese. What a coincidence.

Dr. Xeno doesn't have the revival fluid recipe? How did he revive people then? In a cave similar to where Senku became depetrified? Either way, it's impressive what he built with only a few people. I wonder why the heck he's so evil tho.

Senku will turn Perseus into an aircraft carrier. That's actually cool af.

Wonder how the next battle will go. It's 4 against 1. Except one has a machine gun.
Feb 6, 8:20 AM
Sep 2015
I just notice that this anime has quite a steampunk aesthetic.
Feb 6, 8:36 AM
Jul 2024
dude that dr.taiju impression was absolute fire
Feb 6, 8:53 AM

Jul 2022
I apologize for doubting Taiju; he did a great job posing as a scientist 😅. So Dr. Xeno has a factory, and if he did after he de-petrified, that explains his advanced technology since I doubt the few people in Xeno's group could do all that. Although Senkuu seems outclassed in technology, he still has the resurrection fluid, so they have a chance. Also, Senkuu and Ryuusui are so crazy that they don't care that Xeno has a nuclear weapon.

This war is the toughest so far, and the side that wipes out the other's scientist will win. Well, Senkuu has Taiju as a lifesaver. Their strike team is impressive, and it's clear that Suika is the star of the team.
Feb 6, 9:13 AM
Oct 2019
Phew, I want to see the course
Feb 6, 9:16 AM

Feb 2019
Both sides realizing the best way forward is to take out the other side’s leader. Poor Taiju done got roped into all of this without his consent lmaoo. Xeno and Stan are the coolest enemies in this story yet because of how cold, and calculating they are. Absolutely surgical with their planning, why waste time with a drawn out battle when we can just take out “Doctor Taiju” and capture/assimilate the rest into the ranks

Also interesting to note that with all the advanced tech Xeno has built up, he still doesn’t have the revival fluid! That’s an X factor and advantage for Senku. Turning the ship into an aircraft carrier before an attack from Xeno is absurd but if anyone can do it it’s Senku lol
Marinate1016Feb 6, 10:22 AM
Feb 6, 9:21 AM
Oct 2023
Rare image of senku lifting heavy things
Feb 6, 9:23 AM

Dec 2018
Wasn’t expecting Dr. Taiju to have to show his talents so soon, but I guess intercepting their comms would do that lol. It was a cool meeting, Dr. Xeno did his job in being very intimidating but Taiju somehow managed to convince him that he’s the head scientist and navigated the negotiations, with some help from the others of course, but once the conversation got to the revival fluid, it ended quickly, and then immediately afterward their location was discovered by a scout plane, so now the Kingdom of Science are basically sitting ducks, wonderful lol.

But of course Senku wasn’t gonna take defeat sitting down despite the odds being completely against them with the enemy having air superiority and superior firepower and technology, there’s also the fact the enemy can attack at any time which would absolutely ruin their plans. So what’s the answer the gang chose? Convert the ship into an aircraft carrier and make use of their captured plane, and this all has to be done rapidly too, yeah the suspension of disbelief is higher than it’s ever been with this arc lol, but I can’t deny my hype is through the roof as well, I’m really excited to see how this battle of the doctors plays out, starting with Senku’s and Xeno’s ground forces meeting, I’m hoping it’s an interesting battle since it’s a 4v1 but that 1 is strapped to the gills, I’m thinking we’ll see some tactics like timing around the gun needing to be reloaded or overheating.
Feb 6, 9:40 AM
Nov 2022
Scientific Kingdom vs Scientific Kingdom, nice

It makes sense that it's a quick battle, guerrilla strategies aren't necessary since time is of the essence.
Feb 6, 9:49 AM

Jun 2012
Dr. Xeno has already made contact with Senku and his crew, but both sides are at a stalemate in terms of strength and strategy. The battle of science vs. science is about to begin!
Feb 6, 10:05 AM
Aug 2024
senku VS xune who win
Feb 6, 10:30 AM
Level 6 esper

May 2021
Oh i want to see the next episode sooo bad.
“Do what feels right in your heart. You will be criticized either way.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Feb 6, 10:47 AM

Feb 2016
If Xeno wanted to kill their scientist, he would have attacked them again the moment they found their ship.
If Xeno wanted to get the recipe for the revival fluid he could torture Gen by doing some crazy shit like killing his friends one by one so make him say it.
As always that's the biggest flaw of this series, it's all about science but the characters have no fucking logic.
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Feb 6, 10:49 AM
Dec 2022
the kingdom of science is cornerd-ish but i do wonder who is smarter.... Dr.Zeno or Senku
of course Dr. Taiju is the greatest of them alll lol
I wonder if Senku had focused on the weapons instead of bringing the world back, where would he have reached
Feb 6, 11:16 AM

Feb 2012
A civilization capable of flight would surely be cable radio comms. already has Dr. Xeno got on their frequency, though he believes Gen's intel.
Yuzuriha was quick to make a labcoat for her Doctor Taiju awww

based craftsman Kaseki has repaired the salvaged airplane, and can't wait to partake in Senku and Ryusui's plan to mod the Perseus into an aircraft carrier, (mad scientist smiles all around).

Dr. Xeno has a permanent base and having the means to implement the Haber Bosch process means he has ammonia production for fertilizer and ammo.
It's gonna be a dogfight! Bringing bamboo from Japan has given them some material advantage, hopefully.
Xeno and Snyder know better than to reveal their strategy to a newcomer like Gen.
Which one kingdom will have their head scientist assassinated first?
Fortress_MaximusFeb 6, 4:45 PM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Feb 6, 11:30 AM

Aug 2020
great ep

the enemy is ready to only kill the dr...

next e will be fire...
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Feb 6, 11:35 AM
May 2021
Fantastic do the battle is on science vs science 🔥
Feb 6, 11:45 AM

Jan 2009
science wars begins now

nice to see the sexy reporter girl have more screen time too
Feb 6, 11:50 AM

Dec 2013
Yuzuriha finally got to shine again, and as always MVP Suika is going to be the hidden weapon.
Feb 6, 12:10 PM

Feb 2014
Dr Taiju might sound like a funny joke, but I do praise him for playing the part as well as he could. He looked the part really nicely and his acting was just convincing enough to make sure Senku's team didn't concede anything during the negotiations with Dr Xeno.

This episode was mainly a build-up for what's to come next, but I enjoyed it all the same, seeing how Senku's team are getting their heads down with their strategies of gaining the upper hand over Dr Xeno. I do look forward to seeing what the Perseus ship will look like once its transformation into an aircraft carrier is complete. It's an ambitious plan, but one that will be satisfying once its complete. =)
Feb 6, 1:00 PM
Jul 2024
Man this got me all fired up for the actual battle! I really love the “adults underestimating kids” trope and I’m glad we got it here in Dr. Stone. Can’t wait to see Senku come out on top!!
Feb 6, 3:00 PM
May 2018
An underwhelming episode scarred by illogicalities common throughout the anime and time wasting with repetitive unfunny remarks. I'll talk about both:

Let me start by saying that the most logical thing in this episode is the fact that Dr. Xeno can speak Japanese. I mean, he is clever. He may as well be a polyglot, fine; however, such an intelligent guy falls for Taiju's mediocre at best imitation of a genius scientist? Don't get me wrong, Taiju's not a guy who would fail this task when he put his mind to it, well, he wasn't at least. Compared to the previous seasons, as much of a simpleton as he already is, Taiju seems even more dumbed down, not unlike many other characters like Tsukasa. He was supposed to be Senku's aide-de-camp as far as brawn is concerned and he actually was. Serious and dedicated. Now he acts like a circus clown shown around for comedic purposes who just yells every word coming out of his mouth. Anyway, enough digression about Taiju.

Dr. Xeno got duped by Gen's cheesy tactics, fine. He got played by Taiju, alright. But why isn't he attacking after the failed negotiations? What is it, in spite of the location info, that keeps him from simply raining down bombs, which he surely must have after all that bragging about his gun capabilities, on Perseus? The enemy doesn't have to nosedive to fire at Senku's vehicles, they could pull a B-29 Superfortress on Senku's team. X(eno)-29 Sciencefortress. Everything would fit if he's actually 29 too lol. Anyway, he decides to wait instead. To assassinate the leader. Like, what? His side has the vastly superior firepower; Senku's has the close combat advantage. It doesn't make any sense. Not to mention how Senku orders to modify the ship into an aircraft carrier. When they might get attacked any time, having not longer than a day at most. But of course, that's no problem, because we have the good old Kaseki who has already repaired the plane in a few hours' time. In under a day, they have a functioning fighter plane and an aircraft carrier. I get that this is anime logic but still it takes away from the immersion.

Every important thing is rushed: Oh, Dr. Xeno mentions he has Haber whatever, nice for him, rather let's see how Taiju reacts to that because that's more interesting. Wow, Senku's building a carrier? So exciting! But wait a second, here's a 2 minute (9.67% of the non-OP & non-ED episode) long pointless footage of the cretin Magma and his little sycophant à freakishly annoying voice fooling around, have fun haha. Nearly 10% of the episode was wasted for nothing and each episode has many moments like this. More than 3/4 of the episodes is allotted to unfunny jokes and, even worse, to each character taking their turn to explain and comment about the obvious and that repetitively. Same people having the same reactions as ever. Moreover, these scenes are distributed in such a way that they intermit the serious scenes. All is made into a joke as a consequence. Hell, the final boss is here. Who can get more powerful therefore worrying than another scientist? When are we supposed to take him seriously? I, for myself, can say that I feel next to no tension when he's around because all this funnyism has made him look pretty weak, relative at least to what he should've been. He should be giving the audience a genuine worry and doubt at if Senku can really pull it off this time.

This anime is so increasingly turning into ordinary shounen animes whereas it has such a huge potential that makes it kind of unique owing to its story that sometimes I'm obliged to think whether the writer didn't know about science that much after all.

Leaving all this huge wall of text behind, I wonder if I'm the only one to think that the scene where the Amazonian woman rumbled past Gen was so weird with her moaning in that discordant voice lol.
ArxeasFeb 6, 3:06 PM
Feb 6, 3:43 PM

Jun 2012
He incorporated it well😅
Feb 6, 4:13 PM
Oct 2016
The best way to fight a plane is with one of our own! They must take away the air superiority that this enemy has so converting the pirate ship to an aircraft carrier so they can launch the stolen plane is awesome! Senku and Ryusui both getting a bit too excited to change the ship to a carrier. They are effectively pinned down however here at the base of the river. Still far from the corn field and factory these people built. The map they made on the ship looked very cool and reminded of a certain fantasy series where they talked around a big map like that and moved symbols around on it. Anyways, Tsukasa was right about predicting what Xeno will do next. Essentially after that radio conversation they had directly with him. Very scary having this evil scientist discover their frequency channel. He still believes that Taiju is the scientist of their group so they have that advantage for now. The revival fluid how to make it another thing the Kingdom of science has over Xeno. Both sides are getting close to fighting once again, we'll see who's preparations are better.
Feb 6, 4:20 PM
Jan 2018
Was I the only one to expect them to fit floaters to the captured plane (making it a floatplane) instead of converting their ship into an aircraft carrier ?
Feb 6, 7:46 PM
Apr 2023
So, the people from America are going to touch the Japanese boats?
Feb 6, 7:58 PM

Feb 2014
Reply to yellowheartren
Bamboo doesn't naturally grow in America.

Uh. Yeah. Well. people don't naturally speak Japanese in America either, yet you just happened to stumble into one who does. Among the few who are alive, too, because lest we forget, the world, by and large, is petrified. But sure, let's draw the line there... I guess? While you start to rebuild an airplane you've never seen before and start to transform your ship into an aircraft carrier... when the enemy knows your position and can strike at any time, because they have all sorts of superiority. Not like all that takes major time, right?

I dunno, for all the suspension of disbelief this series demands, these basic-ass leaps in logic feel like they make things stumble a lot more than the obvious over-the-top stuff. Exactly because they're at such basic level, I'd guess. Not even sure how they switched the talk to the revival fluid either tbh, that felt like something was missing there too.
None of that is absurd:
Xeno is regarded as a genius, it isn't absurd for him to know Japanese (Not very well, according to himself).
This is completely different from bamboo growing in America, because it wouldn't just travel there by itself. Wild animals were explained by having escaped zoos.
yellowheartren said:
While you start to rebuild an airplane you've never seen before

They're not rebuild one, they're fixing one.
It's not a modern airplane either, it's one made out of scraps, not only they've seen enough similar technology already, but they also have people who can explain the important stuff if needed. Only knowing the base principles should be enough for them to be able to fix something made out of makeshift technology.
This begs the question: Why is a motorboat and a steam-vehicle OK with you, but fixing a plane too much?
yellowheartren said:
and start to transform your ship into an aircraft carrier

...which only requires you to build a runway.

At least make better complaints, such as how they built an entire factory with so few people or how they weren't able to deduce the revival fluid by themselves despite knowing that nitric acid is what de-petrifies you.
Feb 6, 8:39 PM
Nov 2019
It’s kinda interesting that the absence of some prominent characters(Kohaku, Gen, and Chrome) give a bunch of other side characters more screen time. I can’t remember the last time a lot of characters here did anything.

Feb 6, 8:56 PM
Oct 2020
Reply to Arxeas
An underwhelming episode scarred by illogicalities common throughout the anime and time wasting with repetitive unfunny remarks. I'll talk about both:

Let me start by saying that the most logical thing in this episode is the fact that Dr. Xeno can speak Japanese. I mean, he is clever. He may as well be a polyglot, fine; however, such an intelligent guy falls for Taiju's mediocre at best imitation of a genius scientist? Don't get me wrong, Taiju's not a guy who would fail this task when he put his mind to it, well, he wasn't at least. Compared to the previous seasons, as much of a simpleton as he already is, Taiju seems even more dumbed down, not unlike many other characters like Tsukasa. He was supposed to be Senku's aide-de-camp as far as brawn is concerned and he actually was. Serious and dedicated. Now he acts like a circus clown shown around for comedic purposes who just yells every word coming out of his mouth. Anyway, enough digression about Taiju.

Dr. Xeno got duped by Gen's cheesy tactics, fine. He got played by Taiju, alright. But why isn't he attacking after the failed negotiations? What is it, in spite of the location info, that keeps him from simply raining down bombs, which he surely must have after all that bragging about his gun capabilities, on Perseus? The enemy doesn't have to nosedive to fire at Senku's vehicles, they could pull a B-29 Superfortress on Senku's team. X(eno)-29 Sciencefortress. Everything would fit if he's actually 29 too lol. Anyway, he decides to wait instead. To assassinate the leader. Like, what? His side has the vastly superior firepower; Senku's has the close combat advantage. It doesn't make any sense. Not to mention how Senku orders to modify the ship into an aircraft carrier. When they might get attacked any time, having not longer than a day at most. But of course, that's no problem, because we have the good old Kaseki who has already repaired the plane in a few hours' time. In under a day, they have a functioning fighter plane and an aircraft carrier. I get that this is anime logic but still it takes away from the immersion.

Every important thing is rushed: Oh, Dr. Xeno mentions he has Haber whatever, nice for him, rather let's see how Taiju reacts to that because that's more interesting. Wow, Senku's building a carrier? So exciting! But wait a second, here's a 2 minute (9.67% of the non-OP & non-ED episode) long pointless footage of the cretin Magma and his little sycophant à freakishly annoying voice fooling around, have fun haha. Nearly 10% of the episode was wasted for nothing and each episode has many moments like this. More than 3/4 of the episodes is allotted to unfunny jokes and, even worse, to each character taking their turn to explain and comment about the obvious and that repetitively. Same people having the same reactions as ever. Moreover, these scenes are distributed in such a way that they intermit the serious scenes. All is made into a joke as a consequence. Hell, the final boss is here. Who can get more powerful therefore worrying than another scientist? When are we supposed to take him seriously? I, for myself, can say that I feel next to no tension when he's around because all this funnyism has made him look pretty weak, relative at least to what he should've been. He should be giving the audience a genuine worry and doubt at if Senku can really pull it off this time.

This anime is so increasingly turning into ordinary shounen animes whereas it has such a huge potential that makes it kind of unique owing to its story that sometimes I'm obliged to think whether the writer didn't know about science that much after all.

Leaving all this huge wall of text behind, I wonder if I'm the only one to think that the scene where the Amazonian woman rumbled past Gen was so weird with her moaning in that discordant voice lol.
@Arxeas its "anime logic" its "shounen", and you rude to says that the writer didn't know about science, so whats happening after all this time since season 1 until now? if you want to judge its science, why dont you talked about it since ep 1? inaccuracies within 1 episode and you mad and judge like all of the episodes its the same, smh
Feb 7, 3:26 AM
Jul 2024
I honestly just want to watch them build stuff. No fighting just building.
Feb 7, 7:44 AM
Jun 2007
Dog fight will be interesting.
Machine Gun vs Blades eh
Feb 7, 8:03 AM
Nov 2022
Dr Taijuuuuu, my favourite scientist in history
Feb 7, 9:38 AM

Apr 2018
LMAO Dr Taiju that was unexpected, but now the opposite side will try to assassinate him since they really think he's the brain of their group, if we really get a plane battle it's gonna be awesome
Feb 7, 10:08 AM
Jan 2022
Reply to Arxeas
An underwhelming episode scarred by illogicalities common throughout the anime and time wasting with repetitive unfunny remarks. I'll talk about both:

Let me start by saying that the most logical thing in this episode is the fact that Dr. Xeno can speak Japanese. I mean, he is clever. He may as well be a polyglot, fine; however, such an intelligent guy falls for Taiju's mediocre at best imitation of a genius scientist? Don't get me wrong, Taiju's not a guy who would fail this task when he put his mind to it, well, he wasn't at least. Compared to the previous seasons, as much of a simpleton as he already is, Taiju seems even more dumbed down, not unlike many other characters like Tsukasa. He was supposed to be Senku's aide-de-camp as far as brawn is concerned and he actually was. Serious and dedicated. Now he acts like a circus clown shown around for comedic purposes who just yells every word coming out of his mouth. Anyway, enough digression about Taiju.

Dr. Xeno got duped by Gen's cheesy tactics, fine. He got played by Taiju, alright. But why isn't he attacking after the failed negotiations? What is it, in spite of the location info, that keeps him from simply raining down bombs, which he surely must have after all that bragging about his gun capabilities, on Perseus? The enemy doesn't have to nosedive to fire at Senku's vehicles, they could pull a B-29 Superfortress on Senku's team. X(eno)-29 Sciencefortress. Everything would fit if he's actually 29 too lol. Anyway, he decides to wait instead. To assassinate the leader. Like, what? His side has the vastly superior firepower; Senku's has the close combat advantage. It doesn't make any sense. Not to mention how Senku orders to modify the ship into an aircraft carrier. When they might get attacked any time, having not longer than a day at most. But of course, that's no problem, because we have the good old Kaseki who has already repaired the plane in a few hours' time. In under a day, they have a functioning fighter plane and an aircraft carrier. I get that this is anime logic but still it takes away from the immersion.

Every important thing is rushed: Oh, Dr. Xeno mentions he has Haber whatever, nice for him, rather let's see how Taiju reacts to that because that's more interesting. Wow, Senku's building a carrier? So exciting! But wait a second, here's a 2 minute (9.67% of the non-OP & non-ED episode) long pointless footage of the cretin Magma and his little sycophant à freakishly annoying voice fooling around, have fun haha. Nearly 10% of the episode was wasted for nothing and each episode has many moments like this. More than 3/4 of the episodes is allotted to unfunny jokes and, even worse, to each character taking their turn to explain and comment about the obvious and that repetitively. Same people having the same reactions as ever. Moreover, these scenes are distributed in such a way that they intermit the serious scenes. All is made into a joke as a consequence. Hell, the final boss is here. Who can get more powerful therefore worrying than another scientist? When are we supposed to take him seriously? I, for myself, can say that I feel next to no tension when he's around because all this funnyism has made him look pretty weak, relative at least to what he should've been. He should be giving the audience a genuine worry and doubt at if Senku can really pull it off this time.

This anime is so increasingly turning into ordinary shounen animes whereas it has such a huge potential that makes it kind of unique owing to its story that sometimes I'm obliged to think whether the writer didn't know about science that much after all.

Leaving all this huge wall of text behind, I wonder if I'm the only one to think that the scene where the Amazonian woman rumbled past Gen was so weird with her moaning in that discordant voice lol.
@Arxeas I'm sorry to say this but i've read the manga and Dr Xeno backstory will be revealed, second paragraph, is what we call not underestimate our opponent, and that's why they are very careful when they're making any move considering senku had number advantage and as enemy they might have to be careful about there may be a possibility of backup. The third paragraph, i know you upset about the little 'filler' there but you have to know that's the way to keep the pace of anime so that it will not outpace the manga, i prefer the little 'filler' one than having a slow-mo action or the worst one a rush story. that's all my comment, all I want to say is if you don't enjoy the story just stop watching it, the story might not be for you, better save your time and watch another story instead.
Feb 7, 10:14 AM
May 2018
Reply to Snoowyy
@Arxeas its "anime logic" its "shounen", and you rude to says that the writer didn't know about science, so whats happening after all this time since season 1 until now? if you want to judge its science, why dont you talked about it since ep 1? inaccuracies within 1 episode and you mad and judge like all of the episodes its the same, smh
@Snoowyy Maybe I didn't express myself well enough but I definitely wasn't being rude. I know it's shounen with anime logic, of course there'll be exaggerations etc. but the logical inconsistencies here are so easily avoidable that they are obviously a product of the attempt to create comedy & entertainment, which I find redundantly excessive and repetitive. I am not judging the anime's science, I am criticizing it and in fact the only thing I criticize about it is there being progressively little of it, at least relative to the premise and the first season, whose episodes tended to allocate more time to science than the current season, where the actual science is quickly swept aside for the sake of showing more of the likes of Ginro, Magma and so on who add nothing to the story yet take up the bulk of the episode time and in so doing waste the potential of the anime.

As for the writer, the increasing superficiality of the science as the anime goes on makes it legitimate to think that the writer just used science for the beginning and is then turning it into usual comedy/fight anime.

I didn't say the episodes were the same, I said the reactions were, but honestly since most of the episodes goes to repetitive reactions/jokes, it kinda makes them really similar to each other.

TL;DR: I was neither being rude or judgy nor doing that about its science. I criticize the lack of it for the sake of superfluous comedy.
Feb 7, 11:03 AM
May 2018
Reply to Abror23
@Arxeas I'm sorry to say this but i've read the manga and Dr Xeno backstory will be revealed, second paragraph, is what we call not underestimate our opponent, and that's why they are very careful when they're making any move considering senku had number advantage and as enemy they might have to be careful about there may be a possibility of backup. The third paragraph, i know you upset about the little 'filler' there but you have to know that's the way to keep the pace of anime so that it will not outpace the manga, i prefer the little 'filler' one than having a slow-mo action or the worst one a rush story. that's all my comment, all I want to say is if you don't enjoy the story just stop watching it, the story might not be for you, better save your time and watch another story instead.
@Abror23 Thanks for the kind reply. What you say about its pacing makes sense. Though, I'd rather more of the fillers were about science. The reason why I sound so upset is that I find the story of the anime really good and the fact that science is the highlight unlike almost all the animes nowadays revolving around magic. I seldom watch any other anime apart from this one so I am sort of hypersensitive to the slightest thing I deem as hampering the science. I guess I'll have to more tolerant.
Feb 7, 11:17 AM
May 2018
Reply to jam_ale
Was I the only one to expect them to fit floaters to the captured plane (making it a floatplane) instead of converting their ship into an aircraft carrier ?
@jam_ale I did as well. However, observing how the complexity of Senku's ideas for such problems has been increasing exponentially, it's not surprising either lol. From a fake gun whose ammo Magma was providing with rock throwing through building tank armor made of paper to converting ship to an aircraft carrier. Next is a ballistic missile I guess.
Feb 7, 12:51 PM

Oct 2019
A plane carrier, ha? Of course they'd mod Perseus into a plane carrier..
I hope Taiju-kun remains in one piece in the next ep!
Feb 7, 2:28 PM

Mar 2010
Science vs science... but you'd think they both would want peace..

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Feb 7, 3:09 PM

Dec 2013
I love how they randomly gave Taiju his own scientist outfit.
Feb 8, 7:25 AM

Apr 2016
Taiju? Well, a aircraft carrier? Great transformation!!!
Feb 8, 11:00 AM

Feb 2022
Wow, american greetings is really unique~ They'll put a lot of hole in you first before getting buddy buddies. I wonder how japanese do greetings with an Aircraft~

anyway, they're playing CIV!!!

JagerschnappsFeb 8, 12:42 PM
Feb 8, 7:13 PM
Jan 2023
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 amazing
Feb 9, 2:24 AM
Jun 2020
Prob gonna drop it after this ep. Every season there's the new villain, which is prob gonna join their team eventually, despite trying to mass murder them all at the start. Once formerly OP characters join the team of science, they instantly get nerfed to make the new villains have a shot. Ukyo's sensitive hearing ability should have spotted Stanley before he even came close enough to fire at them.

I rather they get back to the whole worldbuilding thing through science, not fighting all the time
Feb 9, 10:52 AM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Man, I love the Dr Taiju bit, it's so funny seeing not only the reaction of the rest of the crew but his atire and performance. This is the scientific battle of wits and with each side theorizing about the other one's location, scouting, taking hostages, building new machinery and sending their troops the duel will take more than Yo's gun to settle. I'm glad they brought the mangaka along to make that planning board, those little details make the final product that much more polished.
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Feb 9, 7:30 PM

Jun 2012
It’s like businessman Edison vs. visionary Tesla… with plot armor.
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