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As in the userboxes, plus:
"Doesn't matter" results
Take a collection of properties; at least one of them must be false. In principle, all theorems can be rewritten in such a form, but some are more striking in this form. These are antinomies or (in Quine's terminology) veridical paradoxes.
Top algorithms of the 20th century
Barry A. Cipra, The Best of the 20th Century: Editors Name Top 10 Algorithms, SIAM News, 33:4.
- Monte Carlo method, 1946
- simplex method for linear programming, 1947
- Krylov subspace iteration methods, 1950
- decompositional approach to matrix computations, 1951
- Fortran optimizing compiler, 1957
- QR algorithm, 1959–61
- Quicksort, 1962
- fast Fourier transform, 1965
- integer relation detection algorithm, 1977
- fast multipole algorithm, 1987
This section is for my note-taking and random links.
- Ramanujan papers and notebooks (see also [1])
- ISO 639-3 codes on SIL and ISO 639-2 codes on LoC
- Things I forget: Emotive conjugation, Jeffreys prior = pseudocount of 1/2 (see additive smoothing), smoothing via Newton–Cotes
- Location: Observable universe, Pisces–Cetus Supercluster Complex, Virgo Supercluster, Local Volume, Local Sheet, Local Group, Milky Way, Orion Arm, Local Bubble, Local Interstellar Cloud, Solar System, Earth, North America