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Mar 20, 2019 11:01 AM

Feb 2009
Wow, Glass' chin is so pointy, I bet she could poke an eye out with that chin.

Btw, I prefer her face in the manga, she looks more mysterious and crazy. The anime one looks too generic.

BlowITAMar 20, 2019 11:09 AM
Anime ga daaaai suki!!! Computer Engineering. Japan is awesome!!!
Mar 20, 2019 11:01 AM

Dec 2014
Naofumi showed them whose boss... damn the other guys were just pethetic...enen with their powerful levels... shame on them
Mar 20, 2019 11:03 AM
Oct 2018
lacked soundtrack in some parts that were to be exciting, and the previous one was misleading advertisement, the battles of that episode were not blistering. I expected more .... but it was not a bad episode
Mar 20, 2019 11:11 AM

Jul 2016
Great episode the "wave" continues. Heroes had a hard time defeat the Soul Eater. Naofumi activate his rage shield, and defeat the monster. But its not the end, because another enemy appear. She tells the heroes, the true fight against "wave". Overall good action, and struggle of shield hero to use the rage shield is a nice touch.

Mar 20, 2019 11:13 AM

Nov 2011
thevagus said:
This anime has a serious flaw. Other heroes should have atleast a little power but they are shown totally powerless compared to naofumi lmao.

I wonder how this glass girl turns out to be.
Viz said:
Solid episode. But why does other heroes are so useless, even the wave boss is not impressed. I doubt Naofumi can carry them against Glass.. so next episode gonna be interesting.
Shotttooo00_0000 said:
Ok this is not what was promised in the first few episodes, so many of the things i feared happened in this episode.

In the beginning the king, Malty, the three other heroes(or in todays episode's case, numbskulls) and literally everyone else in this world hated Naofumi and destroyed our boi. A long time passes by which consisted of Naofumi cleaning the other 'heroes' stupid mistakes and finally today they meet and fight together for the first time. They are all higher leveled than our boi...... AND HOW ARE THEY STILL FUCKING IDIOTS DOING LITERALLY NOTHING. How are they supposed to be the competition in the story for our protaganist-kun at all, Naofumi did everything today. Like I said this is not the story that was promised in the beginning.

How better would it have been if the other numbskulls were actually heroes and actively gave Naofumi a long gap to fill to be the hero everyone respects. I don't want Naofumi to be the best hero this world has ever seen, I want to see the shield hero be someone equal to all the other heroes, because if the shield hero becomes the best hero this world has ever seen the next time heroes are summoned everyone is going to hate the other three instead(They haven't told us why all the previous shield heroes were hated, so I presume it's personal preference)

Also they literally spelled out the stupidity of the other three fuck boys by making them do the same exact attack to that dimensional spirit thingy(which did nothing), all three of them used lightning(lightning is lightning, no matter the method of attack lightning is lightning). Ok at least Motoyasu could have done something else because he attacked last of the three, but no our boi Naofumi is the only one with a functioning brain to try something else like wind(which pissed the spirit off). Our chicken loli is more useful than literally the rest of the cast.

Also what does that iron maiden thing Naofumi used to kill the dimensional thingy have to do anything with a shield, Is the shield hero handicapped or not, Why does he even need Raphtalia at this point if he did it himself.(I know they are family but today she was his cheerleader, especially Malty being there)

wheeeww.... finally got all that out, now i understand their are people who genuinly enjoy this show(I am jealous of them that I can't enjoy this like them) and I respect their opinion, this is just my opinion, at least at the moment, so I would really like to know how everyone else found this episode entertaining.

By the way the art, animation and soundtrack are still amazing, kinema citrus is not disappointing us in that regard.
The funny thing is that they're technically stronger because of both level and

Naofumi only really kills it because how strong the cursed weapon branch is.
Mar 20, 2019 11:16 AM

Sep 2016
Shieldbro's anger phase was damped down a lot. The hatred inside him felt almost non-existent. Its the only disappointing thing for me this episode. Other than that, it wasn't bad. Hopefully, the fight next episode is good.
Mar 20, 2019 11:20 AM

Feb 2018
these heroes are portrayed as the dumbest mother fuckers imaginable , it's so annoying . the Naofumi power thing was kinda cringe , Grandma fighting was the best part about this episode tbh .
still somewhat enjoyable , hopefully next episode is a lot better .
Mar 20, 2019 11:25 AM

Aug 2013
Great episode.

The granny showing off her fighting skills was a surprise.

Plenty of action in this episode.

Mar 20, 2019 11:26 AM

Dec 2016
Probably the best episode so far. Well paced, hit all the right beats.

Unfortunately, the other heroes and Malty still seem like they are there and acting like they do in order to give people revenge boners, rather than having any relevance to the narrative.

Not sure what the angle on Naofumi's arc is supposed to be at this point, either. I guess the rage shield is just a powerup he can use whenever with no consequences, except he becomes even more of an insufferable edgelord.

Mar 20, 2019 11:30 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Man, I love it when Naofumi directly insults the other heroes for their incompetence. And even more so if they can't deny it, but of course... Motoyasu will always deny anything from Naofumi...

That enemy boss was still too much for the heroes if they fight individually. All 4 must cooperate and fight the boss together to defeat it and Naofumi needed to use his rage shield which he apparently has begun to control consciously. Mix and matching the shield's power to execute that series of the combo was awesome! I believe that's not something that the other weapons could do.

So the girl in the OP, Glass have entered in style using some kind of light magic to finish off the enemy boss, followed by her saying that there's only 1 true hero, Naofumi (lol, some more insults for the other heroes!) In addition, she also declared that She's the heroes' enemy... Hmmmn, very intriguing...
Mar 20, 2019 11:31 AM

Apr 2012
After seeing this episode; the end credits with the scattered shipwrecks in the desert made sense now.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
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Mar 20, 2019 11:32 AM

Aug 2014
Interim said:
"As source of thy power, I order thee. Decipher the laws of nature and illuminate my surroundings."

Sounds like Goblin Slayer to me.

Is just classic magic chant.
Mar 20, 2019 11:36 AM

May 2015
Yeah, it's all about helping Shield Hero and not about defending everyone from Waves. How stupid can they be? lol, lol, lol.

Also, really, this show is almost halfway through and I'm still waiting for it to get really interesting. It only gets more boring with each episode.
Mar 20, 2019 11:39 AM

May 2016
You can really hear kirito in the sword hero lol. The OST in this episode was great, made some nice atmosphere for the episode.

Mar 20, 2019 11:45 AM
Nov 2018
justasadguy said:
FINALLY! A nice episode :D, I have been waiting since episode 3 to see a good one again...
But this makes me mad even more because it proves that this show has
potential, but wasted a lot of time in fillers (eg. Motoyatsu race )
Let's hope it grows again :), because it has all the potential to do it

Yas this is exactly how feel. Wasted potential
Mar 20, 2019 11:47 AM
Jan 2019
Loved the part in the city early on. Loved the moment when they wrecked the first lizardman.

Everything else felt kinda meh. The part aboard the ship felt especially scripted, with altogether too much standing around from all parties involved.

I guess Cinema Citrus can't really handle action scenes of that scale just yet.

Also the music was totally overshadowing everything else during the iron maiden scene.
Mar 20, 2019 11:49 AM
Nov 2018
SSL443 said:
Probably the best episode so far. Well paced, hit all the right beats.

Unfortunately, the other heroes and Malty still seem like they are there and acting like they do in order to give people revenge boners, rather than having any relevance to the narrative.

Not sure what the angle on Naofumi's arc is supposed to be at this point, either. I guess the rage shield is just a powerup he can use whenever with no consequences, except he becomes even more of an insufferable edgelord.

i was agreeing with ur first 2 points, but 'insufferable edge lord', that describes a toxic 12 year old, u calls people faggots. His character does have a lot of depth, especially for a isekai show
Mar 20, 2019 11:57 AM

Nov 2011
Ponds667 said:
You can really hear kirito in the sword hero lol. The OST in this episode was great, made some nice atmosphere for the episode.
If I recall right, the character is based off of him, and uses the same VA.
Mar 20, 2019 12:00 PM

Nov 2016
Amazing episode full of action and we can see also Naofumi's iron version of gaara's "Sabaku kyuu" (or at least I instantly said it after I saw his final blow)
Mar 20, 2019 12:00 PM

Sep 2014
Nice to see Granny Genkai back in action.
Smug Firo mocking Motoyasu was the best.

Naofumi's skills looking really good wew.
Dammit still another week to see Glass in action!
Mar 20, 2019 12:03 PM

Aug 2008
Iron maiden was cool and that's about it. Anime deteriorated even faster than manga did. Action is really bland and angst painfully underwhelming. Curse series looks rather disappointing. If almost nothing happens most of the time and they barely animate anything it wouldn't hurt to at least make something like that stand out. I thought this battle might partially make up for the last couple of episodes but it was just an another exercise in mediocrity.
Ii tenki desu ne...
Mar 20, 2019 12:13 PM

Jan 2017
God I want to slap those 3 idiots and especially that bitch Malty so fucking hard...

How someone be so ignorance in a middle of fight like that?
Mar 20, 2019 12:20 PM

Apr 2015
Sorry but at this point making the other 3 heroes and their parties this retarded is just plain writer's convenience.

I was already annoyed by how the writer turned the source of Naofumi's personal demise into a laughing stock and now on top of that they're incapable in direct combat/judgement as well. Look, I get it. It's all to make Naofumi look as competent as possible but at least try to make it seem a bit more natural. Oh jeez.

Well maybe next week is gonna work on that, we'll see.
Mar 20, 2019 12:28 PM

Dec 2018
...He seemed defeated, but thanks that he now has the love and support of his raccoon daughter Naofumi comes back to his senses, traps the boss in a giant ball with spikes on the inside, then sticks the ball in a floating Iron Maiden that he somehow managed to summon. And just like that, it almost seems like he defeated the boss by himself. I mean, sure, maybe it was weakened by the combined efforts of everyone there, but… I thought the Shield Hero wasn’t going to be OP. What’s the downside here? Like, does this have any drawbacks? Is he extremely tired or what?
Seriously, you remember that scene in Sao where Kirito, by sheer force of will, manages to "hack the system" and instead of dying, ends up defeating the villain? is exactly what happens here we should only support it simply because they mistreated him, but really there is no reason to think that it is better than other protagonists because anyway it has many advantages and abilities that others do not possess since the other heroes did nothing although they made us believe that the shield hero was more "weak".
Mar 20, 2019 12:30 PM

Oct 2017
Good amount of action this episode, I was surprised Naofumi was able to activate rage shield on command, I assumed there was a prerequisite before activating it each time. Loved Filo mocking the Spear hero. I wish the other three heroes were more competent as it seems like it's just three idiots that aren't going to develop themselves.
Mar 20, 2019 12:35 PM

May 2016
Demyx_IX said:
Ponds667 said:
You can really hear kirito in the sword hero lol. The OST in this episode was great, made some nice atmosphere for the episode.
If I recall right, the character is based off of him, and uses the same VA.

yeah, that's what I meant. The VA is the same, I know that; I just appreciated how much he used the same exact voice. He's done other voice roles and was almost unrecognizable to me.

Mar 20, 2019 12:35 PM

Aug 2012
Stark700 said:
Damn, this episode was tough to watch.

Even with the help of the other heroes, it looks like they had a lot of trouble trying to get through this Wave. Not to mention, Naofumi is showing signs of his berserk rage again similar to one of the previous episodes. However, it seems he is getting much better use of his shield abilities.

Plenty of action this episode.
Apparently it would stretch in two episodes so is great. This episode is when things start to get interesting :D
Mar 20, 2019 12:36 PM

Aug 2012
HajimeNozomiUwU said:
damn I'm wondering if Glass is another hero or a like wave boss. either way she's interesting and this episode had Naofumi one-upping the other heroes again hooray
Giant spoiler:
Mar 20, 2019 12:38 PM

Aug 2012
NothinComplexPls said:
Shieldbro's anger phase was damped down a lot. The hatred inside him felt almost non-existent. Its the only disappointing thing for me this episode. Other than that, it wasn't bad. Hopefully, the fight next episode is good.
The hatred in this episode was from the killed dragon. That is why it also affected Firo
Mar 20, 2019 12:40 PM

Aug 2012
Fede_5000 said:
...He seemed defeated, but thanks that he now has the love and support of his raccoon daughter Naofumi comes back to his senses, traps the boss in a giant ball with spikes on the inside, then sticks the ball in a floating Iron Maiden that he somehow managed to summon. And just like that, it almost seems like he defeated the boss by himself. I mean, sure, maybe it was weakened by the combined efforts of everyone there, but… I thought the Shield Hero wasn’t going to be OP. What’s the downside here? Like, does this have any drawbacks? Is he extremely tired or what?
Seriously, you remember that scene in Sao where Kirito, by sheer force of will, manages to "hack the system" and instead of dying, ends up defeating the villain? is exactly what happens here we should only support it simply because they mistreated him, but really there is no reason to think that it is better than other protagonists because anyway it has many advantages and abilities that others do not possess since the other heroes did nothing although they made us believe that the shield hero was more "weak".
There are many set backs but they will show in a future fight. As Glass said those monsters were weaklings. In this case just consumes his mana.
Mar 20, 2019 12:40 PM

Sep 2012
Fede_5000 said:
...He seemed defeated, but thanks that he now has the love and support of his raccoon daughter Naofumi comes back to his senses, traps the boss in a giant ball with spikes on the inside, then sticks the ball in a floating Iron Maiden that he somehow managed to summon. And just like that, it almost seems like he defeated the boss by himself. I mean, sure, maybe it was weakened by the combined efforts of everyone there, but… I thought the Shield Hero wasn’t going to be OP. What’s the downside here? Like, does this have any drawbacks? Is he extremely tired or what?
Seriously, you remember that scene in Sao where Kirito, by sheer force of will, manages to "hack the system" and instead of dying, ends up defeating the villain? is exactly what happens here we should only support it simply because they mistreated him, but really there is no reason to think that it is better than other protagonists because anyway it has many advantages and abilities that others do not possess since the other heroes did nothing although they made us believe that the shield hero was more "weak".

The downsides? I'll just spoil by manga version:
Mar 20, 2019 12:42 PM

Aug 2012
Fappa said:
Sorry but at this point making the other 3 heroes and their parties this retarded is just plain writer's convenience.

I was already annoyed by how the writer turned the source of Naofumi's personal demise into a laughing stock and now on top of that they're incapable in direct combat/judgement as well. Look, I get it. It's all to make Naofumi look as competent as possible but at least try to make it seem a bit more natural. Oh jeez.

Well maybe next week is gonna work on that, we'll see.
Not really retarded. Think about players that enter a game do not read the manual and buy with real cash powerful upgrades from day 1. They never really learn to play the game and when the levels get tougher they fail.
Mar 20, 2019 12:45 PM
Mar 2019
As a fan of the anime, I did not see the iron maiden coming, it was a nice detail which showed a glympse of Naofumi potencial.
Mar 20, 2019 12:51 PM

Dec 2013
Lol, that fight was so frickin' bad.
Also, that wonky animation didn't help at all.
Mar 20, 2019 1:09 PM
Jan 2018
wow glass seems to make me curious, I think he will have a loli face, and he certainly looks like a Japanese, is he a hero from another world, does he fight because of a necessity, obviously I look forward to many Glass scenes in the next episode, plus he be the best woman of my choice after Raphtalia
Mar 20, 2019 1:13 PM

May 2016
Fappa said:
Sorry but at this point making the other 3 heroes and their parties this retarded is just plain writer's convenience.

I was already annoyed by how the writer turned the source of Naofumi's personal demise into a laughing stock and now on top of that they're incapable in direct combat/judgement as well. Look, I get it. It's all to make Naofumi look as competent as possible but at least try to make it seem a bit more natural. Oh jeez.

Well maybe next week is gonna work on that, we'll see.

It may be convenient writing, but it does shows just how incompetent the other heroes because they still got their head in the clouds and are still treating everything like a game, Lance Hero being the worst of the three due to his overbearing ego. Shield Hero ended up learning the hard way from the start and is the only one who actually takes this seriously. Glass points this out the moment she arrives and in those first words she speaks she's shown more respect to the Shield Hero than anyone else has this entire time.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Mar 20, 2019 1:14 PM

Mar 2016
I can't remember the strong old lady. Nao-chan has saved a lot of people already.

It's fun watching Naofumi grow. His shield has already got so powerful.

The villain called Naofumi the strongest in front of all the other heroes. haha.

Hope the new shield comrades stay safe. They have the kind of design that says "I was created to be killed early on." Plus, their names don't even appear in Naofumi's "menu?"
Mar 20, 2019 1:19 PM

Jun 2015
Naofumi's gift sure was nice as it not only allowed him to reward the girls for their hard work but also allow him to boost their stats as well. Its nice to see that old woman manage to recover her health in time to help out here. It sure was fun seeing Naofumi try to not just unite the heros and their parties but also show them how to actually fight battles. The teamwork between Filo and Raphtalia sure was impressive. Raphtalia's harsh lecture of the hero's sure was timely. Nice to see them all work together for once. A really ep that did well in showing not just the battle against the wave but how awe inspiring it can be if the heroes can fight together as one. The OST here was also spectacular as well. Looks like the battle against the Soul eaters was but the prologue as Glasses appearance suggests.
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Mar 20, 2019 1:20 PM

Jul 2017
It’s really annoying the heroes continue to be portrayed as incompetent idiots who can’t do anything right, so Edgelord Hero can save the day! It’s just poor writing and plot convenience at this point.

The writer emphasised the stupidity of these dumbfucks by making them all use lightning attacks against the dimensional spirit. Then we have Spear Hero and the other two moaning about helping the Edgelord hero. “I’d rather die than save the world!” is what I got from them.

I really don’t like the rage shield. Not only is it a powerup that focuses on his rage boner, it defeats the purpose of him being a tank. It’s fucking bullshit that the lower level tank is doing more DPS to the enemy, it would have been better if the heroes co-operated.
Mar 20, 2019 1:29 PM

Apr 2015
DirectorK said:

It may be convenient writing, but it does shows just how incompetent the other heroes because they still got their head in the clouds and are still treating everything like a game, Lance Hero being the worst of the three due to his overbearing ego. Shield Hero ended up learning the hard way from the start and is the only one who actually takes this seriously. Glass points this out the moment she arrives and in those first words she speaks she's shown more respect to the Shield Hero than anyone else has this entire time.

I'm well aware of that but between having plenty of time to get the hang of things and a few clear reminders over their own incompetence up until this point there is no reason for them to still behave the way they do up to this point. I know we're dealing with previous gamers but had a hard time distinguishing this from a game but I can at least expect some realistic growth of character.
Mar 20, 2019 1:33 PM

Nov 2011
OG_Gattsu said:
It’s really annoying the heroes continue to be portrayed as incompetent idiots who can’t do anything right, so Edgelord Hero can save the day! It’s just poor writing and plot convenience at this point.

The writer emphasised the stupidity of these dumbfucks by making them all use lightning attacks against the dimensional spirit. Then we have Spear Hero and the other two moaning about helping the Edgelord hero. “I’d rather die than save the world!” is what I got from them.

I really don’t like the rage shield. Not only is it a powerup that focuses on his rage boner, it defeats the purpose of him being a tank. It’s fucking bullshit that the lower level tank is doing more DPS to the enemy, it would have been better if the heroes co-operated.
Or, and hear me out on this, it's part of their character that they feel like it's all just a game. And don't take it seriously.

Also DPS stands for damage per second. How does he do more dps when he uses all of one attack? The move is meant to be more of a finisher with high burst damage. Which isn't dps.
Mar 20, 2019 1:34 PM

Dec 2018
Fede_5000 said:
...He seemed defeated, but thanks that he now has the love and support of his raccoon daughter Naofumi comes back to his senses, traps the boss in a giant ball with spikes on the inside, then sticks the ball in a floating Iron Maiden that he somehow managed to summon. And just like that, it almost seems like he defeated the boss by himself. I mean, sure, maybe it was weakened by the combined efforts of everyone there, but… I thought the Shield Hero wasn’t going to be OP. What’s the downside here? Like, does this have any drawbacks? Is he extremely tired or what?
Seriously, you remember that scene in Sao where Kirito, by sheer force of will, manages to "hack the system" and instead of dying, ends up defeating the villain? is exactly what happens here we should only support it simply because they mistreated him, but really there is no reason to think that it is better than other protagonists because anyway it has many advantages and abilities that others do not possess since the other heroes did nothing although they made us believe that the shield hero was more "weak".
There are many set backs but they will show in a future fight. As Glass said those monsters were weaklings. In this case just consumes his mana.

No, the idea is not only to empower a single character and use the pretext that they have consequences like pain or something like that, Deku is always breaking his arms, but that does not mean anything if he can heal and then continue using his skill up to 300 % times of power, supposed effort does not mean anything, what bothers me the most is that the rest of heroes have nothing to emphasize, it was enough to portray them as idiots.
Mar 20, 2019 1:44 PM

Apr 2013
finally she appeared!

I was getting impatient since I've stopped her on the opening fighting Naofumi.
Mar 20, 2019 1:48 PM
Jul 2018
anyone knows the name of the OST when he told the heroes to start hitting the shadows?
Mar 20, 2019 2:06 PM

Jun 2013
Is that Megumi Han who is voicing Glass? Sounds like her, but I could be mistaken.
Mar 20, 2019 2:11 PM
Jan 2018
Damn that iron maiden attack was so sick, reminds me of gaara's sand coffin/burial.
Mar 20, 2019 2:12 PM

Jan 2017
"Last time Rage Mode did basically nothing and I still don't know what it's actually good for, but let me poker and use it again even though I'm already perfectly able to parry the enemy's attacks"

Paired with the other heroes being all edgy and initially refusing to help for no apparent reason.

Mindboggling garbage.
Mar 20, 2019 2:14 PM

May 2018
Oh so Glass the wave boss finally shows up and acknowledges Naofumi as the hero, what took her so long????
Mar 20, 2019 2:29 PM

Apr 2017
Demyx_IX said:

The funny thing is that they're technically stronger because of both level and

In regards to under the spoiler:

Mar 20, 2019 2:34 PM

Aug 2012
omegarabbit said:
Demyx_IX said:

The funny thing is that they're technically stronger because of both level and

In regards to under the spoiler:

In the first episode he states he played a game that was similar to the rules of this world.
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