  • Опубликовано: 19 мар 2025
  • New Album "METAL RESISTANCE” iTunes pre-order begins!
    BABYMETAL’s New Album 「METAL RESISTANCE」 will be released simultaneously worldwide on “FOX DAY” Apr-1st, 2016(fri) .
    Pre-order your copy from iTunes now!!
    New song “KARATE" is currently available digitally!!
    BABYMETAL Official Website
    BABYMETAL Official Twitter
    / babymetal_japan
    BABYMETAL Official Facebook
    BABYMETAL Official Instagram
    / babymetal_official

Комментарии • 55 тыс.

  • @BrianJosephViolin
    @BrianJosephViolin 4 года назад +5883

    When they said "OUS" I felt that.

  • @marla8449
    @marla8449 4 года назад +6537

    my music taste literally has no more boundaries after this bruh

      @THALL_LOVER 3 года назад +120

      i think code orange might be a little more experimental but this is seriously pushing my boundaries musically too 😭

    • @Starlight0827
      @Starlight0827 3 года назад +20

      Lmfao samee

    • @DanTraa
      @DanTraa 3 года назад +60

      Right! I've been listening to many more genre of music lately. Experimental, Shinsei Kamattechan style, Hyde J-Rock style, Corpse Husband music style, and many more!

    • @vict0riathefangirl
      @vict0riathefangirl 3 года назад +11

      Same- 👁👄👁

    • @terminatroll-_-3269
      @terminatroll-_-3269 3 года назад +42

      What do you mean it's litterally metal

  • @vaughnsisler2033
    @vaughnsisler2033 4 года назад +17576

    The 1st thing my 6 year old daughter does Everytime she gets in the car is ask me to play Babymetal...I'm so proud

    • @chevyatlevee7705
      @chevyatlevee7705 4 года назад +615

      Aww, that's so sweet! ♥️

    • @ooooo2680
      @ooooo2680 4 года назад +420

      aww that's so cute 🥺

    • @angelinac3815
      @angelinac3815 4 года назад +183


    • @itshallremain
      @itshallremain 4 года назад +131

      Mine too!!

    • @casperk7310
      @casperk7310 4 года назад +223

      Only one thing to say. Parenting done well. When u gonna start bands like amon amrth (I always forget how I write their name correctly)

  • @coiコイ
    @coiコイ Год назад +194


  • @jaejen8980
    @jaejen8980 4 года назад +6125

    Why is everyone arguing about whether this is metal or not? If you can vibe with babymetal, vibe. If you can't, go watch something you like.

    • @WatcherEgil
      @WatcherEgil 4 года назад +109

      Well said :)

    • @ofamosozedopicadinho7983
      @ofamosozedopicadinho7983 4 года назад +307

      Ignorant people, of course is metal! Its just different...

    • @ivanafterfive
      @ivanafterfive 4 года назад +81

      For me it's just Babymetal.

    • @aamiw99
      @aamiw99 4 года назад +123

      "This ain't heavy metal. Welcome to the world of Babymetal"

    • @BengenixFitness
      @BengenixFitness 4 года назад +7

      Check out this new fitness channel. Please help support.

  • @jackiedim7028
    @jackiedim7028 4 года назад +16489

    An edgy punk friend: So you listen to Metal huh?
    Me: *It's complicated*

    • @caitlynmarg0812
      @caitlynmarg0812 4 года назад +258

      Didn't you make the same comment on another video-

    • @adoobad2770
      @adoobad2770 4 года назад +514

      s h y s h y s h y shhhhhh they gotta get dem likes

    • @RotApple0
      @RotApple0 4 года назад +51

      You took those words right out of Tim Pool's mouth.

    • @reece4058
      @reece4058 4 года назад +20

      👁👄👁 Fr

    • @NellyBelle
      @NellyBelle 4 года назад +119

      It is metal lol

  • @hhatfield6020
    @hhatfield6020 4 года назад +9313

    the sound: 🔪💣🧨
    the voices: 🧸💖🍯

    • @datdoglovesdogs
      @datdoglovesdogs 4 года назад +153

      I LOVE IT

    • @teriinka_uwu
      @teriinka_uwu 4 года назад +101

      That's right, but its best and I love it

    • @kryptogreen
      @kryptogreen 4 года назад +24


    • @theod1721
      @theod1721 4 года назад +72

      that's the reason of BabyMetal ^^

    • @jonplaud
      @jonplaud 3 года назад +34

      My live wallpaper had audio and the song MEGITSUNE. I can't look back now.

  • @demareewheeler639
    @demareewheeler639 Год назад +821

    I remember hearing Babymetal for the first time in 2011 or 2012 thinking they were ridiculous. Here I am almost 12 years later admiring and loving them. Extremely talented girls and band.

    • @lazyspacepirate
      @lazyspacepirate Год назад +14

      This was me but I learned about them from my music teacher, who knew that 5 years later I'd be a huge fan of them 😂

    • @lucyanfr
      @lucyanfr 11 месяцев назад +8

      SAME! I laughed of this video when I saw, but now I love the girls

    • @boomiedave
      @boomiedave 10 месяцев назад +4

      Here I am with you today. I never realized how good this actually is. Definitely made a mistake writing this off. ❤

    • @Marc-zp2kv
      @Marc-zp2kv 8 месяцев назад

      If it hits you, then it hits you hard! I'm no different

    • @brianhogan6458
      @brianhogan6458 6 месяцев назад +1

      They've been around that long? None of those girls look old enough to go in a bar!

  • @papaskittle1576
    @papaskittle1576 4 года назад +3015

    much credit to the band as a whole, the guitarists, bass players, and the drummer... they are off the chain!

  • @mikoyb.1291
    @mikoyb.1291 4 года назад +6780

    WHY THE HELL I JUST DISCOVERED THEM TODAY?!?!?!? Well, it's not too late to support them right?

  • @kiki-tg9vx
    @kiki-tg9vx 4 года назад +4906

    im so glad more people are finding out about baby metal 🥺

  • @olejohannesbakke6316
    @olejohannesbakke6316 11 месяцев назад +879

    I'm a 43 year old black metaller from Norway; I've been listening to nordic black metal since I was 13 years old. This shit is dope. Haters can go eff them selves.

    • @thereal702edge
      @thereal702edge 10 месяцев назад +28

      This is one of their best tracks.

    • @ilyssanagelberg
      @ilyssanagelberg 10 месяцев назад +21

      its insane how good they are hahaha!!!!

    • @jeffwatts1126
      @jeffwatts1126 10 месяцев назад +26

      Im a old dude who is not into metal, Im a classic rock guy Stones rule. But this shit....This shit is fantastic. The output of energy from these girls is off the charts

    • @RooZvonBooZ
      @RooZvonBooZ 9 месяцев назад +7

      Helt enig, min norske broder 🤘

    • @RainbowMoon485
      @RainbowMoon485 9 месяцев назад +4

      Yay this is my favourite band but my dad is 44 and my mom is 42

  • @hugox28
    @hugox28 5 лет назад +13662

    First time: What is this?
    Second time: This is kinda cool
    Third time: Sieya Se Se Se Seiya!!

    • @justsomeonerandom8478
      @justsomeonerandom8478 5 лет назад +188

      SAME LOL 😂😂👍👍👍

    • @Tetris521
      @Tetris521 5 лет назад +78

      First time: this is trash
      Second time: this is trash and not metal
      Third time: this is trash, not metal, and dumb

    • @sp4cegrl27
      @sp4cegrl27 5 лет назад +392

      CHEE- RIOS well, everyone has their opinion. but it’s no where near trash to me lol.

    • @slimmdawg2152
      @slimmdawg2152 5 лет назад +10


    • @samlowe5301
      @samlowe5301 5 лет назад +288

      @@Tetris521 The fuck are you talking about its heavy as fuck...Its more metal than I wouldve ever thought Japan could be before I clicked this video lol. I would implore you to not be such a short-sighted tool for whatever brand of metal you call home and get outside that box. IF those people playing wrote their music, thats pretty impressive.

  • @gh0st279
    @gh0st279 4 года назад +633

    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Soiya sossosso soiya
    Soiya sossosso soiya
    Ossu! Namida koborete mo
    Ossu! Tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo
    Aa ossu ossu
    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Soiya sossosso soiya
    Soiya soso soiya
    Ossu! Kokoro orarete mo
    Ossu! Tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo

    • @xylim_6836
      @xylim_6836 4 года назад +19

      gracias 🥺

    • @brunomacali3969
      @brunomacali3969 4 года назад +9

      Ikki Ikki Ikki
      Shiryu Shiryu Shiryu

    • @jaredtbo2075
      @jaredtbo2075 4 года назад +32

      This means absolutely nothing to me. Thank you regardless

    • @brossuki
      @brossuki 4 года назад +1

      Thanks dude

    • @carminaowo5717
      @carminaowo5717 4 года назад +10

      Ta potente

  • @xoxo9866
    @xoxo9866 5 лет назад +23065

    This is what happens when you don’t give them chocolate...

    • @richardoh2824
      @richardoh2824 4 года назад +856

      or when you do

    • @kakorotskywalker
      @kakorotskywalker 4 года назад +655

      @@richardoh2824 There's no telling which one it is.

    • @kakorotskywalker
      @kakorotskywalker 4 года назад +311


    • @mw5158
      @mw5158 4 года назад +187

      Damn you nailed that! That was Pre-Hangry. Give up the damn chocolate

    • @nippon19
      @nippon19 4 года назад +107

      lmao, best coment here

  • @justiningram9286
    @justiningram9286 Год назад +344

    I've seen so many people give this band crap, they are so talented. It's obvious they put a lot of time and hard work into this and it shows.

    • @sighourshanbanipur2088
      @sighourshanbanipur2088 Год назад +1

      They're just a J-pop band with metal musicians slapped on top... They didn't form organically, they were put together by a record company. They never had to go through the hardships of a real band. They are a product targeted to idiots like you.

    • @aerialpunk
      @aerialpunk 6 месяцев назад +14

      I have a theory that people who judge it so harshly have forgotten how to just sit back and enjoy life.

    • @roxassora2706
      @roxassora2706 3 месяца назад +1

      ​@@aerialpunkSame with this decade.

  • @Haxoid
    @Haxoid 4 года назад +14139

    That's why you need to Give Them A Chocolate 🍫🍫

  • @uhhi3503
    @uhhi3503 4 года назад +3633

    this came out 4 years ago and i'm just now finding out about it?????

    • @elkekso5083
      @elkekso5083 4 года назад +40

      Me too but they are amazing 😍😍

    • @cheyabantiko6400
      @cheyabantiko6400 4 года назад +24

      Omg same here! But i love their music

    • @winterbearbii
      @winterbearbii 4 года назад +21

      Same here I'm mentally slapping myself for finding out about them just now dhshebje

    • @yeju1139
      @yeju1139 4 года назад +9


    • @bloopi9443
      @bloopi9443 4 года назад +8

      Lol same

  • @decadanceful1
    @decadanceful1 9 лет назад +334


    • @hitk8431
      @hitk8431 9 лет назад +27


    • @yukimetalk3742
      @yukimetalk3742 9 лет назад +26


    • @lissy9551
      @lissy9551 9 лет назад +3

      no les entiendo ni madres

    • @leguizamoncarlos4888
      @leguizamoncarlos4888 9 лет назад

      +decadanceful1 sale denuncia capo despedite de tu cuenta.

    • @りほ-b6j
      @りほ-b6j 9 лет назад +5


  • @miss-nomer
    @miss-nomer 9 месяцев назад +489

    My 4 year old daughter has learned all the moves to this song and says she’s going to be in Babymetal when she grows up.

    • @User_P1nk
      @User_P1nk 9 месяцев назад +43

      Your daughter is surely going to be a star when she grows up

    • @DRoberts-we2vg
      @DRoberts-we2vg 9 месяцев назад +31

      That's sweet. If she joins BM when she's older means BM safe for many more years to come! 🦊

    • @marionnepatrick7383
      @marionnepatrick7383 8 месяцев назад +12

      Haha my 5 year old too. Shes pretty good at hitting the notes 😊

    • @mRdIDDSR6
      @mRdIDDSR6 7 месяцев назад +5

      Guilty as well my 5 year old daughter loves this track ! She trains muy thai and she blasts this at the gym

    • @itsdabees
      @itsdabees 6 месяцев назад


  • @reymochii
    @reymochii 4 года назад +387

    Romanji Lyrics:
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Namida koborete mo
    (Ossu.) tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Aa ossu ossu.)
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya soso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Kokoro orarete mo
    (Ossu.) tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda)
    (zenbu zenbu togisumashite.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda)
    (zenbu zenbu togisumashite.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)

  • @madeleinep.828
    @madeleinep.828 5 лет назад +4411

    I don’t understand Japanese, but everything about this song and video were beyond amazing.

    • @WatcherEgil
      @WatcherEgil 5 лет назад +276

      The song's lyrics are about fighting your own demons and never giving up.

    • @rickwagner-
      @rickwagner- 5 лет назад +14

      Here you go:

    • @lightfootjpauls
      @lightfootjpauls 4 года назад +144

      It might be about fighting their inner demons (with help from the Fox God) and how they are leaving the traditional Japanese music industry behind. Some of the imagery can be how metal music is seen as being dark but it allows you to be yourself, while traditional J-Pop is seen as more pure but in reality is like a machine just turning out stars.

    • @cbolton81
      @cbolton81 4 года назад +4

      Kiss dicks! This song and band are shit!!!

    • @lightfootjpauls
      @lightfootjpauls 4 года назад +62

      @@cbolton81 everyone is entitled to their opinions, even if you are wrong.

  • @ninatorres2072
    @ninatorres2072 4 года назад +6665

    Let us have a moment of silence for those who haven't found BabyMetal

    • @vvieno8631
      @vvieno8631 4 года назад +16


    • @hitsuu1372
      @hitsuu1372 4 года назад +87

      Yeah 😌 I found them just now and I'm in love.
      It's 3am now. Good thing I didn't go to sleep early lol

    • @Reakyvoo
      @Reakyvoo 4 года назад +22

      I only just found them today

    • @smashbro5
      @smashbro5 4 года назад +17

      Found out about them a few days ago and I love them. Coming in as a Kpop fan of 10 years.

    • @annamariel6911
      @annamariel6911 4 года назад +9

      Just found them it's 12:38 am and I'm in love

  • @rattlejake0422
    @rattlejake0422 Год назад +420

    5-yr old daughter LOVES this song; 7-yr old son, trying to be tough, says, "Babymetal? That's kinda a dumb name..."
    *hears this song*
    "Oh wow! These girls kick butt!"
    Proud dad.

    • @scottwillie9914
      @scottwillie9914 Год назад +10

      That's awesome!

    • @speirk
      @speirk Год назад +13

      Girls just get it faster, ye? Same thing, different ages, same age gap

    • @エイドリアンハビビです
      @エイドリアンハビビです Год назад +4


    • @Tonyis138
      @Tonyis138 Год назад +2

      @@エイドリアンハビビですWhat about A7x are you comparing to this band? Just curious

    • @エイドリアンハビビです
      @エイドリアンハビビです Год назад +1

      @@Tonyis138 This is awesome rock music number one classic, we can music rock back to 90's.

  • @karimxbear
    @karimxbear 4 года назад +3101

    Came here after hearing Kingslayer with BMTH and I'm not disappointed.

  • @wasaburashi
    @wasaburashi 4 года назад +5550

    dad : turn that music off
    son : why
    dad: we got bigger speakers downstairs

    • @VenusCourts
      @VenusCourts 4 года назад +240

      My dad literally got me into this song 💀

    • @wasaburashi
      @wasaburashi 4 года назад +175

      @@VenusCourts sounds like your dad has a great taste of music ^^

    • @wasaburashi
      @wasaburashi 4 года назад +29

      @Rogue Standards hahah ey whatcan i say dude thats the life of a weeb one day its cool as fk the next day you suck and everyone tells us we are weird xD

    • @analyze1322
      @analyze1322 4 года назад +15

      What a great dad you got

    • @specific78
      @specific78 4 года назад +7

      Omfg i am dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @reesemccann1074
    @reesemccann1074 2 года назад +2549

    These girls go from “give me snacks” to “give me your soul” in about 8 seconds and I love it.

  • @angelmedic9829
    @angelmedic9829 6 месяцев назад +32

    This song is such a beautiful metaphor for fighting your inner demons. As at it end it’s revealed that the girls are truly fighting themselves, the demons within themselves, who are sending the enemies (the dark thoughts) to break their will, and just as they think they succeed, the girls stand up and fight back together, harder, and win.

  • @kamken1973
    @kamken1973 4 года назад +992

    I think this song has a message that you can win the fight against yourself.

    • @WatcherEgil
      @WatcherEgil 4 года назад +201

      Yes. This song is about fighting your inner demons and never giving up.

    • @zed2182
      @zed2182 4 года назад +12

      Dog i have no fucks to give lol its just nifty

    • @gaelwrembel2204
      @gaelwrembel2204 4 года назад +47

      @@zed2182 cute japanese girls + banger music = i don't care about whatever the message is

    • @zed2182
      @zed2182 4 года назад +9

      @@gaelwrembel2204 haha. Perfect way to describe it lmao

    • @athyzkyh
      @athyzkyh 4 года назад +1

      @@gaelwrembel2204 are you 33 years old

  • @markpark7805
    @markpark7805 4 года назад +1770

    If you love babymetal you are automatically a friend of mine

  • @HelloTardis
    @HelloTardis 5 лет назад +926

    Every time the chorus kicks in it makes me feel nostalgic for a past I haven’t lived. It’ nice.

    • @DanielMaquiling
      @DanielMaquiling 5 лет назад +18

      You expressed what I am feeling to lol

    • @chizuru6921
      @chizuru6921 5 лет назад +13

      It makes me miss Yui... But It is nice to relive the initial glory days.

    • @aidanxavierglass737
      @aidanxavierglass737 5 лет назад +6

      That's exactly what I was feeling

    • @caminantenokturno6550
      @caminantenokturno6550 5 лет назад +4

      that's exactly what happens to me too, it's very strange right?

    • @TyTimeIsAwesome
      @TyTimeIsAwesome 5 лет назад +4

      Makes me think that maybe reincarnation does exist. Maybe this nostalgic you're feeling is from past lives?

  • @robertwendt2050
    @robertwendt2050 Год назад +14

    Ironic that a death metal band with skeletons in the video is substantially more wholesome and uplifting (3:15) than a great majority of pop and hip hop videos. Kudos all around. Song writers, band members, singers, producers, choreographers, wardrobe, videographers, and everyone I missed by my lack of knowledge on song and video production.

  • @quesoblanco5586
    @quesoblanco5586 5 лет назад +1654

    If you really listen to a lot of metal music you'll notice how they touch on a lot of the different genres of metal. That's what has impressed me most by Babymetal.

    • @Quaker763
      @Quaker763 5 лет назад +29

      Yeah the intro to this definitely rolled off the Djent bandwagon

    • @quesoblanco5586
      @quesoblanco5586 5 лет назад +71

      @@Quaker763 dang. if you were Hilarious you could have said, rolled off the djent bandwagon djently, and I'd have laughed instead of proclaiming what a fool you are. You fool!

    • @ashurasama
      @ashurasama 5 лет назад +49

      Their producers are just lovers of metal at large and have been playing with different subgenres ever since they started. They don't have two songs that sound the same.

    • @rhenie0017
      @rhenie0017 5 лет назад +6

      Metal with the instruments... But the singers and dancing??? Overall look and sound like anime......

    • @____mango273____
      @____mango273____ 5 лет назад +2

      ARMY and BABYMETAL fan?! I freaking love you!

  • @zurielsama
    @zurielsama 4 года назад +892

    English Lyrics:
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Even if tears spill from our eyes,
    (Ossu.) let's confront it!
    Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    with our fists more... with our spirits more...
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
    (Ah ossu ossu.)
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya soso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Even if our spirits are broken,
    (Ossu.) let's confront it!
    Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    with our fists more... with our spirits more...
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, let's fight on
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, let's fight on
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    with our fists more... with our spirits more...
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
    (Seiya soiya, let's fight on)
    (with making all sharper.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Seiya soiya, let's fight on)
    (with making all sharper.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)

    • @ChaiLatte666
      @ChaiLatte666 4 года назад +43

      Thank you very much, kind translator

    • @TrashistPandaZ
      @TrashistPandaZ 4 года назад +13

      You are a hero

    • @theglobetrevor5212
      @theglobetrevor5212 4 года назад +18

      Awesome thanks. They need a social media manager to add translated subs to their RUclips videos.

    • @carolinabelenvaldes5119
      @carolinabelenvaldes5119 3 года назад +4

      Thank You!

    • @Drogo911
      @Drogo911 3 года назад +5

      interesting Lyrics , thought it would be something els , thank you

  • @oldsnakekusanagicla4368
    @oldsnakekusanagicla4368 5 лет назад +726

    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Soiya sossosso soiya
    Soiya sossosso soiya
    Ossu! Namida koborete mo
    Ossu! Tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo
    Aa ossu ossu
    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Seiya sessesse seiya
    Soiya sossosso soiya
    Soiya soso soiya
    Ossu! Kokoro orarete mo
    Ossu! Tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Zenbu zenbu togisumashite
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo
    Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo

    • @rhelferstay
      @rhelferstay 5 лет назад +7

      You can copy and paste lyrics... Impressive..

    • @oldsnakekusanagicla4368
      @oldsnakekusanagicla4368 5 лет назад +9

      Haha. sing along with them while watching the sound. : )

    • @imposter8741
      @imposter8741 5 лет назад +1

      thank you ^^

    • @balquiqui
      @balquiqui 5 лет назад +3

      i like this person

    • @rhelferstay
      @rhelferstay 5 лет назад +5

      Oh, it's
      Soiya sossosso soiya
      Soiya sossosso soiya
      I thought it was soya soysoy soy sauce

  • @推し事ちゃんねる-y7q
    @推し事ちゃんねる-y7q 9 месяцев назад +70


    • @kt-se1ts
      @kt-se1ts 8 месяцев назад +12


  • @lemnlyme
    @lemnlyme 4 года назад +1058

    I showed my metal head friend this song and she was loving the beginning, then when the Japanese started she was so shocked and confused, by the end she was head banging like crazy

    • @petey5009
      @petey5009 4 года назад +31

      All my friends when I introduce them to babymetal

    • @serenitydeditch3143
      @serenitydeditch3143 4 года назад +19

      Lol sameeeee but my uncle introduced me to this song and I absolutely love it

    • @VoidShrgn
      @VoidShrgn 4 года назад +22

      @AOMechMarine AOMechMarine How does that not make her a Metalhead? You described their style, but didn't give any fundament as to why she wouldn't be a metalhead for just enjoying this song

    • @VoidShrgn
      @VoidShrgn 4 года назад +14

      @AOMechMarine AOMechMarine I may have miss read it, and I recognise that. But there was no reason to disrespect me, as I was respectful to you in every way. Shows how mature you are that you rely on calling people out on a simple mistake that anyone could have done, in a disrespectful way to convey your point.

    • @VoidShrgn
      @VoidShrgn 4 года назад +10

      @AOMechMarine AOMechMarine it's just that I finally thought I could have a educated and respectful argument with someone about a topic I enjoy, but I forgot this is a RUclips comment section. I should've gone to a PornHub comment section for that.

  • @ZealousSeraphim
    @ZealousSeraphim 8 лет назад +203

    If my life was an anime this would be the intro.

  • @astaroth1411
    @astaroth1411 4 года назад +2299


    • @ainamarrisa5411
      @ainamarrisa5411 4 года назад +136

      U don't have to understand something to

    • @nhutlanh7609
      @nhutlanh7609 4 года назад +134

      The tears of joy.

    • @lilstinker245
      @lilstinker245 4 года назад +17


    • @boringveil4783
      @boringveil4783 4 года назад +16


    • @candycaned7484
      @candycaned7484 4 года назад +17


  • @WyattWade
    @WyattWade 9 месяцев назад +105

    I’ll never understand how their vocals work so good with this sound. I don’t want to ether. I just love it.

    • @-redacted_by_youtube
      @-redacted_by_youtube 9 месяцев назад

      Im with you brother. It shouldn't work but it does.

    • @depachorra
      @depachorra 9 месяцев назад

      @WayattWade Easy dude, as long as the voices and musical instruments are in the same scale and play the same notes, it doesn't matter what they sing or play, it will always sound in harmony, that is music.

    • @L1_1XX
      @L1_1XX 9 месяцев назад +1


    • @IRMentat
      @IRMentat 8 месяцев назад +1

      Clear vocals with decent songwriting and careful mixing can go a long way.
      I love rock n metal but never got on with screamo vocals.
      If you vibe with it, awesome. if you don’t, keep looking there’s always something around that will catch your attention.

    • @plantnerdsa
      @plantnerdsa 7 месяцев назад

      Years of listening to anime intro's

  • @seemslegit6203
    @seemslegit6203 5 лет назад +11107

    When you like anime and heavy metal but you don't have time for both

    • @ririsan1822
      @ririsan1822 5 лет назад +272

      This explains Babymetal a lot

    • @blurreaper1238
      @blurreaper1238 5 лет назад +156

      there is always time for both

    • @jh5133
      @jh5133 5 лет назад +94

      @@blurreaper1238 but there is more time for both of them at once :)

    • @darmblesvlogs
      @darmblesvlogs 5 лет назад +21

      Seems legit

    • @marvelnathaniel1295
      @marvelnathaniel1295 5 лет назад +79

      So this is literally weeb metal lol

  • @amirumimu
    @amirumimu 4 года назад +903


  • @exxxtramost
    @exxxtramost 4 года назад +786

    This is a friendly public service announcement.
    Please listen to this song as much as you like. However do not perform karate in the pit

    • @chef_boi_ar_teej6969
      @chef_boi_ar_teej6969 4 года назад

      Thrash pits are stupid I agree

    • @exxxtramost
      @exxxtramost 4 года назад +19

      You dont agree with me, karate in the pit is stupid, the pit is fine in of itself

    • @jeffreyouwehand679
      @jeffreyouwehand679 4 года назад +1

      Chef_Boi_Ar_TeeJ - shut the fuck up clown

    • @chef_boi_ar_teej6969
      @chef_boi_ar_teej6969 4 года назад +7

      @@exxxtramost @ewa no no no I love mosh pits, but throwing legs and cartwheels like at hardcore shows is wack

    • @chef_boi_ar_teej6969
      @chef_boi_ar_teej6969 4 года назад

      @@jeffreyouwehand679 not even understanding what I meant by thrash pit lmao

  • @Lesbean1e
    @Lesbean1e 8 месяцев назад +49

    My dad showed me this for the first time when I was like 8. Never stopped listening to them since.

  • @cliftonsmith4013
    @cliftonsmith4013 8 лет назад +430

    I'm a 37 year old black man and I fucking love BabyMetal. First time I heard this song was on the NXT the End ppv. I first thought of TommyHeavenly6 when I heard this song. Makes you wanna watch anime.

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад +49

      Black, white, yellow, purple...ages 37, 67, 7, 17...nationalities of Japanese, Russian, American, Australian, British, Icelandic, French, Philippine, Canadian, Somalian. It doesn't matter. Babymetal has reached all. Their mission from their creation was to unite the world with their music. It seems as though they are doing a damned good job of it thus far, don't you think?

    • @josephw472
      @josephw472 8 лет назад +15

      I don't know what the metal community is going on about them not being metal. Metal has never been about conforming to the societal accepted norm. Metal legends and gods alike have given their support... When THE Rob Halford will perform with you, you've fscking made it.
      I for one wish they would have a show nearer to home for me.

    • @YellaGuyCaveman
      @YellaGuyCaveman 8 лет назад

      i never heard this at the end of NXT the end

    • @cliftonsmith4013
      @cliftonsmith4013 8 лет назад

      the promo right before the Asuka vs Niya Jax match.

    • @veerapichchanlafah5044
      @veerapichchanlafah5044 8 лет назад +5

      Totally agree, I've just listened to this song 1 mins ago and I don't know why I wanna watch some f**cking anime.

  • @mauriciojaralopez2878
    @mauriciojaralopez2878 8 лет назад +247

    I feel that Babymetal is slowly getting darker

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад +37

      They are maturing. With maturation comes deeper subject matter.

    • @mauriciojaralopez2878
      @mauriciojaralopez2878 8 лет назад +3

      +Tawnku Imi-Uru dayum

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад

      Spoderman I did not mean to offend you if I did.

    • @mauriciojaralopez2878
      @mauriciojaralopez2878 8 лет назад +1

      Tawnku Imi-Uru what? Of course you didn't offended me

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад

      Spoderman Well, thank you. I tend to piss off people at times with my zealousness for Babymetal, and sometimes I am not exactly clear about what I mean to say. Again, thanks.

  • @bibekrulez
    @bibekrulez 4 года назад +1807

    These girls are cuter than a truck full of puppies

    • @DonkeyScrote413
      @DonkeyScrote413 4 года назад +59

      but not as soft

    • @sodacurt
      @sodacurt 4 года назад +18

      No they’re not

    • @momoriingg_mo
      @momoriingg_mo 4 года назад +62

      @@sodacurt yes they are

    • @sodacurt
      @sodacurt 4 года назад +12

      @@momoriingg_mo incorrect

    • @dalian3010
      @dalian3010 4 года назад +49

      @@sodacurt Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃Monokuma😘was😞an🤯average🤔 bear🐕 he😊went🚙puhuhu😇and🎀PUNISHMENT😻TIME⏰🎃

  • @TimelessJPOP
    @TimelessJPOP 6 дней назад +3


  • @me56ize
    @me56ize 6 лет назад +963

    Actually pretty sick. The heaviness of the instruments and clean female vocals actually contrast so well.

    • @culpa3034
      @culpa3034 6 лет назад +7

      that is why i hate them Nothing against them the instrumental is actually sick but they should not to These japanese Image squeak voice dancing this anime theme Feeling just dont like that

    • @coryrikard8943
      @coryrikard8943 6 лет назад +59

      @@culpa3034 I don't think there was a complete, coherent sentence in that entire post. My brain hurts trying to decipher that.

    • @culpa3034
      @culpa3034 6 лет назад +5

      @Cory Rikard Well Alcohol makes me kinda weird

    • @sukieyakie
      @sukieyakie 6 лет назад

      did u mean: dreamcatcher

    • @iranoutofnames6444
      @iranoutofnames6444 6 лет назад +3

      i like the song, but it doesn't feel metal. it's a good song as and anime or j-popish but not what i consider metal. but it has baby next to metal and i'm not a musician so maybe i'm wrong.

  • @WildKustomsCars
    @WildKustomsCars 6 лет назад +1331

    I'm 56 years old and I've been a metal fan next to forever.. Never have I ever imagined seeing a metal band and the first though in my head would be, "they're adorable". What a breath of fresh air in the music world. Kudos ladies...

    • @ronaldtebrinke2599
      @ronaldtebrinke2599 6 лет назад +35

      Wild Kustoms & Cars Thought exactly the same, tight riffs too! Takes time getting used to the vocals for a 'veteran' like me, but not bad at all!!

    • @tonyjones1560
      @tonyjones1560 6 лет назад +36

      Same here....and I've been looking for new bands to listen to because that "old metal guard" is fading away: Slayer, Black Sabbath, (maybe) AC/DC. I'm sure I can get used to the idea of adorable Japanese girls fronting a metal band. Hell, maybe it's about time...?

    • @nordicomsystems8841
      @nordicomsystems8841 6 лет назад +53

      My wife and I said the same thing, "aww they're adorable". She's not into metal but loves these girls, I've been on the scene for 35 years playing in various metal bands and never seen anything like this. Love it, especially since it's exposing many people to the genre that would've never otherwise been exposed to it, like the younger gamers and the anime crowd.

    • @Laffy1345
      @Laffy1345 6 лет назад +3

      Wild Kustoms & Cars good for you Gramps...still banging until you get dirt thrown in your face..

    • @FerIzumi
      @FerIzumi 6 лет назад +10

      I am quite surprised by your comment and that of others... I have always listened to thrash and I have joined with older people with the same tastes. And all, without exception, are reluctant to this type of bands. I am happy to know that there can be more tolerance in the metalheads

  • @RobPalmer80
    @RobPalmer80 4 года назад +636

    I’m a hip hop guy who listens to metal occasionally. I really like this.

    • @luigipiercazzola3925
      @luigipiercazzola3925 4 года назад +13

      If u'd not already go check babymetal BxMxC :-)

    • @mariodejesusespinosaramire6429
      @mariodejesusespinosaramire6429 4 года назад

      Pero esto no es metal. Es rock alternativo Xd

    • @biodot88
      @biodot88 4 года назад +2

      I'm an old school Industrial genre fan who loves this stuff.

    • @definitelynotcrazyrei3890
      @definitelynotcrazyrei3890 4 года назад +2

      "B Boy with a taste for the metal, a taste for a fine rhyme and I ain't gonna settle."
      -Fred Durst, "Get A Life - Limp Bizkit"

    • @beemerboomer6313
      @beemerboomer6313 4 года назад +1

      Do you listen to Body Count? It’s Ice-T’s metal band

  • @dannycomellas
    @dannycomellas День назад +2

    Got my tickets to see them in Boston on my birthday!

    @KROUND_VFX 5 лет назад +3585

    80% here for the metal
    10% here for j-pop
    10% here because ‘it sounds like anime openings’

    • @rhelferstay
      @rhelferstay 5 лет назад +69

      Don't think most people are here for metal. This is like "diet metal" or super pop metal. Most metal fans hate pop. I'd bet that 80% of the people here either love anime, have an Asian fetish or both. Just look at the comments, at least half of them have anime avatars.
      I was listening to a podcast that was making a joke about this "metal" band, so I had to check it out.

    • @Blackheartrises
      @Blackheartrises 5 лет назад +34

      @@rhelferstay so the billions of people in this world need to check with you to see if they like something.........riiiight.

    • @rhelferstay
      @rhelferstay 5 лет назад +14

      @@Blackheartrises ??? I never said someone can't like this, I'm just saying it's not metal. Where did you get that I'm saying people can't like this? Are you illiterate?

    • @Blackheartrises
      @Blackheartrises 5 лет назад +49

      @@rhelferstay apparently, you are since YOU are attempting to dictate what is metal. Kinda, reminds me of how people were asserting Metallica was going pop rock because more people were taking an interest in the band, and they getting more airtime on radio stations. But, hey if it makes you feel superior to others have at it.

    • @rhelferstay
      @rhelferstay 5 лет назад +9

      @@Blackheartrises What does me saying this isn't metal means that people can't like this? Is English not your first language? If I say frozen yogurt isn't ice cream that doesn't mean you can't like frozen yogurt. Just because this isn't metal doesn't mean you can't like it. Are you suggesting that you can only like metal and since I said this isn't metal you can't like it? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You need to reexamine your logic. Funny how you brought up Metallica, you couldn't have picked a metal band for your analogy?

  • @Nightcrew5150
    @Nightcrew5150 2 года назад +3778

    I am a huge music fan of all genre's. I am very sad that I only now found this amazing band in 2022.

    • @AL1CE_
      @AL1CE_ 2 года назад +37

      Have you heard of foreground eclipse?

    • @Nightcrew5150
      @Nightcrew5150 2 года назад +29

      @@AL1CE_ I just looked them up. Listed too From under cover. They are good I will have to look into more of them. Ty for the suggestion.

    • @itsPeach.
      @itsPeach. 2 года назад +9

      Same same

    • @sxnxiee
      @sxnxiee 2 года назад +13

      Same I only heard it cuz of a tiktok

    • @DogsareFAMILY2
      @DogsareFAMILY2 2 года назад +29

      still, welcome to the fox hole:>

  • @MoonLight-rs6wv
    @MoonLight-rs6wv 4 года назад +1099

    My only regret is that I didn't discover these princesses early

    • @dontmeswidmakwinubish6841
      @dontmeswidmakwinubish6841 4 года назад +3

      whyy? are they disbanded? or are they still active today?

    • @MoonLight-rs6wv
      @MoonLight-rs6wv 4 года назад +30

      @@dontmeswidmakwinubish6841 No they didn't disband yet. But Yui metal left the band in 2018 due to health issues/illness. Su metal and Moa metal are there at present.

    • @dontmeswidmakwinubish6841
      @dontmeswidmakwinubish6841 4 года назад +1

      @@MoonLight-rs6wv thanksss

    • @MoonLight-rs6wv
      @MoonLight-rs6wv 4 года назад +1

      @@dontmeswidmakwinubish6841 Anytime

    • @Fanged.caprid
      @Fanged.caprid 4 года назад +1


  • @jerryhollis3968
    @jerryhollis3968 Месяц назад +13

    I love this group.. Only the Japanese could make this work..

  • @lucianoalonso4389
    @lucianoalonso4389 5 лет назад +2636

    They better perform this at the 2020 Olympics

    • @guatesalva
      @guatesalva 5 лет назад +22


    • @lucianoalonso4389
      @lucianoalonso4389 5 лет назад +39

      @@guatesalva I'll be very pissed if they don't

    • @Mrivuyu
      @Mrivuyu 5 лет назад +5


    • @AnneBUZZTKO
      @AnneBUZZTKO 5 лет назад +20

      Oh Yeah the Olympics are in Japan

    • @jeffhoggard6784
      @jeffhoggard6784 5 лет назад +38

      Has been confirmed that Lady Baby song "Nippon Manju" will be played during the Olympics, tha'ts pretty awesome.

  • @vaiojunjun
    @vaiojunjun 5 лет назад +111


  • @jamesrose1460
    @jamesrose1460 2 года назад +2099

    These gals are amazing....especially that lead singer. Her voice is truly rare.

    • @angelitabecerra
      @angelitabecerra 2 года назад +81

      Lead singer is Sumetal (Suzuka Nakamoto)

    • @jackrabbit.
      @jackrabbit. 2 года назад +144

      Especially since she’s only like 16 or 17. She released Megitsune when she was 14. I can’t imagine. When I was 14, I was deciding what dress my doll had to wear. I can’t imagine releasing songs like this while doing such great choreography too!!! These girls are truly amazing

    • @warehouse13fan
      @warehouse13fan 2 года назад +28

      @@jackrabbit. I've never related to something more, it's honestly amazing the fan base these girls have and at such a young age, and their talent is through the roof

    • @moorcatmillka
      @moorcatmillka 2 года назад +41

      The fact that their vocals are super stable while dancing like that 😭🤌

    • @anam2133
      @anam2133 2 года назад +3

      @@jackrabbit. no shes like 20 in this

  • @dylanvandevelde23
    @dylanvandevelde23 2 месяца назад +6

    'Metal can't be rough and cute at the same time'
    Babymetal hold my Katana

  • @ei6728
    @ei6728 5 лет назад +2319

    Today at school we could choose a song for the class to hear, I chose this

  • @davidec8869
    @davidec8869 3 года назад +4249

    I can't understand a single word but the song is amazing

    • @coey0906
      @coey0906 3 года назад +28


    • @kollia5
      @kollia5 3 года назад +108

      I think it's about keeping strong or something not sure.

    • @kitsunehistory
      @kitsunehistory 3 года назад +212

      @@kollia5 correct. To add more, it's about the importance of not giving up, ready to face confrontations, and keep the fire spirits alive in your heart.

    • @emerlie.violet
      @emerlie.violet 3 года назад +1


    • @oliviaandiylah9972
      @oliviaandiylah9972 3 года назад +2


  • @dumb5461
    @dumb5461 4 года назад +135

    This combination literally cracks me up so hard, the people who formed this band are geniuses. It adds a whole different flavor to the metal sound you would typically think of.

  • @わっしょい牧場-g1k
    @わっしょい牧場-g1k Год назад +14


  • @lilyoung1258
    @lilyoung1258 5 лет назад +669

    It's insane how they're still releasing banger after banger even after years and they're still good as ever like damn

    • @DeepbloodFang
      @DeepbloodFang 5 лет назад +5

      Cause they don't write their on music.

    • @facufeg86
      @facufeg86 5 лет назад +32

      @@DeepbloodFang so.....?
      Have they (the girls) ever said "We wrote Karate in our garage while we were listen to Judas and eating bat heads"???? The answer is NO. They have been always honest about it. They even said they didnt know anything about metal before BabyMetal creation. So, you are just pointing out a FACT that....everyone else already know and a fact that BabyMetal's have been always honest about it

    • @DeepbloodFang
      @DeepbloodFang 5 лет назад +5

      @@facufeg86 Someone sure got triggered.

    • @facufeg86
      @facufeg86 5 лет назад +13

      @@DeepbloodFang not at all, i wasnt triggered (come on man, i have better things to worry about nowadays with everything that is happening around the world). I was just telling you FACTS, that is all👍

    • @oldtom4583
      @oldtom4583 5 лет назад +18

      don't give a fuck who writes their songs. i still get goosebumps every time i hear them. they are for real.

  • @RottenCheeseburger
    @RottenCheeseburger 5 лет назад +276

    Dude the instrumentals for baby metal are so freaking sick, and then you realize those high pitched voices actually sound awesome with it and you're like well crap, metal humbles me again

  • @haiszx
    @haiszx 3 года назад +118

    4:06 su’s voice at this part always gives me chills ugh so amazing

    • @autohmae
      @autohmae 3 года назад +4

      From an interview we know that part when it was still being developed in the studio was called "the Mariah", because of the scales.

    • @Mike-er2ih
      @Mike-er2ih 2 года назад +5

      Also the background drums makes it so much better.

  • @nebraskajoel7838
    @nebraskajoel7838 3 месяца назад +13

    It rocks. It's pretty. It's theatrical. It's melodic. It's happy. The young ladies are magnetic. What's not to like?
    I just saw them a couple of weeks ago, wonderful show.

  • @peanutbutterplays1576
    @peanutbutterplays1576 4 года назад +250

    Friend: You listen to... metal-? That is nothing like you tho-
    Me: *It’s different*

  • @samuel.montgomery-blinn
    @samuel.montgomery-blinn 5 лет назад +1439

    Here because Rob Zombie said these girls rock. There is no lie.

    • @ryliemartin124
      @ryliemartin124 5 лет назад +16

      Me too!! And yes, they do!

    • @theyoyoyo7833
      @theyoyoyo7833 5 лет назад +8

      Instrumentals are good but the vocals fucking suck and don't fit at all. It honestly makes me sick

    • @ruby823
      @ruby823 5 лет назад +101

      @@theyoyoyo7833 no, these girls ROCK

    • @theyoyoyo7833
      @theyoyoyo7833 5 лет назад +6

      Idk.. I respect your opinion, but this band isn't for me. 🤷‍♂️

    • @facufeg86
      @facufeg86 5 лет назад +22

      @@theyoyoyo7833 Your lost ;). You should try their live songs like Road of resistence or Ijime Dame Zetai to hear Su*s real vocal power

  • @LeviathanStorm38
    @LeviathanStorm38 6 лет назад +662

    If Babymetal doesn't make some sort of appearance during the Opening or Closing ceremonies in Tokyo in 2020, I will be sorely disappointed.

    • @scottykingdavid
      @scottykingdavid 6 лет назад +9

      Nope it will be kary pamryu or however u spell it... Dont ask how i know who that is at 48 years old) u can bet on it.kary pamyu.. Gauranteed)

    • @LeviathanStorm38
      @LeviathanStorm38 6 лет назад +21

      i mean, i'd be kinda okay with her making an appearance too, Japan has a shitload of great bands and artists. But Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is probably wayyyyy too weird even for the Olympics.

    • @scottykingdavid
      @scottykingdavid 6 лет назад +3

      @@LeviathanStorm38 naahhh.. She is the jpop of japan.. Im a musician an old one now.. Who has his finger on the pulse in the industry.. I just also discovered band maid.. There not as big as kary or babymetal yet.. But still good.. I discovered kary thru poppy

    • @scottykingdavid
      @scottykingdavid 6 лет назад +1

      This karyu tune has so many disturbing elements to it.. I hear u.. Withвидео.html strangeness on it

    • @Andromedagalaxy22
      @Andromedagalaxy22 6 лет назад


  • @juliaa4825
    @juliaa4825 2 месяца назад +7

    I don't listen to Babymetal all the time but whenever I do I come back to this song first. It's my favorite, it's just so GOOD!!

  • @lust9818
    @lust9818 4 года назад +1464

    I'm still wondering how come people are just now finding out about them lol

    • @everyaveryday8259
      @everyaveryday8259 4 года назад +107

      Thank god we at least found out

    • @BK-201
      @BK-201 4 года назад +42

      idk rly. just never saw it, and once i get it in my recommendation (not on youtube) and i found it good :D
      sry for my low english i hope you will understand it :D

    • @cm724
      @cm724 4 года назад +30

      People in lockdown with a lot of time... Give the RUclips algorithm enough time and eventually a BabyMetal song will pop up. AND THE YOU ARE HOOKED... Which in this case is a good thing.

    • @cyberdemon9306
      @cyberdemon9306 4 года назад +16

      Just discovered them yesterday, here's my story:
      I was bored and listening a hardcore band called Moscow Death Brigade, then the RUclips recommended me a Indian metal band, which was really good, so I started listening to other Asian metal bands from the recommended section, that's when for no reason I decided to literally search for "Japanese metal", and then I saw Gimme chocolate thumbnail, and honestly it got me intrigued, my first reaction was "WTF is this Japanese metal apparently talking about chocolate with 3 "anime" girls on the thumbnail with 100M+ views, must be worth checking", so I clicked..... BEST DECISION EVER, I'm already addicted to their music, it's absolutely awesome!!

    • @lust9818
      @lust9818 4 года назад +2

      @@cyberdemon9306 😂oh wow

  • @chuckmastacheese
    @chuckmastacheese 3 года назад +279

    I have no idea what the lyrics actually are. It feels like this song is about how hard life can be and with Karate, you can grant yourself strength and confidence to overcome hardships. Karate being a metaphor for anything that helps you get through tough times and come out stronger.

    • @TheLeomarti
      @TheLeomarti 3 года назад +42

      You are spot on

    • @kristianzafra3454
      @kristianzafra3454 3 года назад +29

      English Lyrics:
      Seiya sessesse seiya.
      Seiya sessesse seiya.
      Soiya sossosso soiya.
      Soiya sossosso soiya.
      (Ossu.) Even if tears spill from our eyes,
      (Ossu.) let's confront it!
      Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
      with our fists more... with our spirits more...
      with making all sharper.
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
      even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
      (Ah ossu ossu.)
      Seiya sessesse seiya.
      Seiya sessesse seiya.
      Soiya sossosso soiya.
      Soiya soso soiya.
      (Ossu.) Even if our spirits are broken,
      (Ossu.) let's confront it!
      Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
      with our fists more... with our spirits more...
      with making all sharper.
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
      even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      Seiya soiya, let's fight on
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      with making all sharper.
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      Seiya soiya, let's fight on
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      with making all sharper.
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
      with our fists more... with our spirits more...
      with making all sharper.
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
      even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
      (Seiya soiya, let's fight on)
      (with making all sharper.)
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      (Seiya soiya, let's fight on)
      (with making all sharper.)
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
      (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)

    • @TheDogmanrocks
      @TheDogmanrocks 3 года назад +12

      It is also about loyalty and friendship. Kitsune da Oh. 🤘

    • @bananajoe69420
      @bananajoe69420 3 года назад +8

      @@catcandy138 what the fuck

    • @klee3019
      @klee3019 3 года назад

      @@catcandy138 HUH

  • @littlehertz
    @littlehertz 4 года назад +648

    My dad; Rock
    My brother: Rap
    My mom: Pop

    • @dimitra8569
      @dimitra8569 4 года назад +35

      me: confused cuz i can listen to anything

    • @JDKPhoenix
      @JDKPhoenix 4 года назад +60

      Why do you fuck metal. Wouldn't that hurt?

    • @anekakaneculo
      @anekakaneculo 4 года назад +9

      @@JDKPhoenix lmao

    • @Bianca-iz5wk
      @Bianca-iz5wk 4 года назад +5

      @@JDKPhoenix dude💀

    • @anne-vk2ec
      @anne-vk2ec 4 года назад +1

      @@JDKPhoenix LMAOOO

  • @IzumiNishi-n2g
    @IzumiNishi-n2g 10 месяцев назад +16


  • @hi-oh1ex
    @hi-oh1ex 4 года назад +1121

    My dad: bachata and merengue music
    My mom: spanish christian music
    My sister: R&B and Rap
    Me: rock, metal, pop

    • @sydney6946
      @sydney6946 4 года назад +8

      same !!!

    • @tiloo6912
      @tiloo6912 4 года назад +54

      My parents: Spanish Christian music
      My older brother: Weeb music
      Me: Rock, K-pop, Lo-Fi (Salvadorian btw)

    • @hi-oh1ex
      @hi-oh1ex 4 года назад +3

      @@tiloo6912 Nice!

    • @fabian6224
      @fabian6224 4 года назад +3


    • @khateantonetteclituanas4873
      @khateantonetteclituanas4873 4 года назад +15

      My dad: christian song
      My mom: tagalog love songs
      My sister : kpop and aesthetic music
      My brother: Japanese songs
      Me: Kpop,Anime,Japanes song

  • @14hm83
    @14hm83 4 года назад +2746

    my music teacher played this in class and some girl said “oh no not anime music”

  • @OurFantasyLife
    @OurFantasyLife 8 лет назад +1143

    This sounds like the opening song to the best action anime ever...

  • @steverose1977
    @steverose1977 Месяц назад +9

    O2 in London? May 30th? Do I have a ticket? Yes.

  • @vennfinder7603
    @vennfinder7603 2 года назад +152

    as a karate student (white belt so far), metal lover, AND as a person learning japanese, *this gives me so much happiness*

    • @Aliosar22
      @Aliosar22 9 месяцев назад

      how is it going? You got your Orange belt now?

    • @vennfinder7603
      @vennfinder7603 9 месяцев назад +5

      @@Aliosar22 i'm actually up to a green belt now! my school is self defense based so my teacher has removed certain things that are more for *being* the attacker.

    • @21Morgan12
      @21Morgan12 9 месяцев назад

      My brother is a black belt 1st dan keep up the work 🙋🏻‍♀️​@@vennfinder7603

    • @matthewminichiello9323
      @matthewminichiello9323 9 месяцев назад

      Well the other asked about your karate so I’ll ask how’s your Japanese coming along?

    • @vennfinder7603
      @vennfinder7603 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@matthewminichiello9323 well i will say i definitely have slacked for about...3-4 years BUUUUT im using some videos to learn more common words!

  • @ariqfadhilla3634
    @ariqfadhilla3634 6 лет назад +469

    Singer/Band : *BABYMETAL*
    Song Title : *Karate*
    Original Lyrics : Yuyoyuppe (Yuppemetal)
    Album : Metal Resistance
    Japanese Lyrics :
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Namida koborete mo
    (Ossu.) tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Aa ossu ossu.)
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya soso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Kokoro orarete mo
    (Ossu.) tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda)
    (zenbu zenbu togisumashite.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda)
    (zenbu zenbu togisumashite.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    English Translation
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Even if tears spill from our eyes,
    (Ossu.) let's confront it!
    Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    with our fists more... with our spirits more...
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
    (Ah ossu ossu.)
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya soso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Even if our spirits are broken,
    (Ossu.) let's confront it!
    Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    with our fists more... with our spirits more...
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, let's fight on
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, let's fight on
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Single-mindedly, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    with our fists more... with our spirits more...
    with making all sharper.
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Still more, seiya soiya, let's fight on
    even if we get sad and unable to stand up.
    (Seiya soiya, let's fight on)
    (with making all sharper.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Seiya soiya, let's fight on)
    (with making all sharper.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Kana (Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana) Lyrics
    セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
    セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
    ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
    ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
    (押忍!) 涙こぼれても
    (押忍!) 立ち向かってゆこうぜ ひたすら
    セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    拳をもっと 心をもっと
    全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして
    (wow wow wow)
    まだまだ セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    悲しくなって 立ち上がれなくなっても
    Ah 押忍! 押忍!
    セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
    セイヤ セ セ セ セイヤ
    ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
    ソイヤ ソ ソ ソ ソイヤ
    (押忍!) 心折られても
    (押忍!) 立ち向かってゆこうぜ ひたすら
    セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    拳をもっと 心をもっと
    全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして
    (wow wow wow)
    まだまだ セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    悲しくなって 立ち上がれなくなっても
    セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    (wow wow wow)
    全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして
    (wow wow wow)
    セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    (wow wow wow)
    全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして
    (wow wow wow)
    ひたすらセイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    拳をもっと 心をもっと
    全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして
    (wow wow wow)
    まだまだ セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    悲しくなって 立ち上がれなくなっても
    セイヤ ソイヤ 戦うんだ
    (wow wow wow)
    全部 全部 研ぎ澄まして
    Indonesia Translation :
    Seiya se se se seiya
    Seiya se se se seiya
    Soiya so so so soiya
    Soiya so so so soiya
    (Ossu) Meskipun air mata menetes
    (Ossu) Kita harus tetap bangkit!
    Berjuanglah, seiya soiya, dengan sungguh-sungguh
    Tunjukkanlah kepalan tangan seerat mungkin dan semangat sebesar mungkin
    Dan pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Kita masih, seiya soiya, harus terus berjuang
    Meskipun kita akan merasa sedih dan takkan bisa bangkit lagi
    (Aa, ossu ossu)
    Seiya se se se seiya
    Seiya se se se seiya
    Soiya so so so soiya
    Soiya so so so soiya
    (Ossu) Meskipun kita merasa patah semangat
    (Ossu) Kita harus tetap bangkit!
    Berjuanglah, seiya soiya, dengan sungguh-sungguh
    Tunjukkanlah kepalan tangan seerat mungkin dan semangat sebesar mungkin
    Dan pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Kita masih, seiya soiya, harus terus berjuang
    Meskipun kita akan merasa sedih dan takkan bisa bangkit lagi
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, berjuanglah
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, berjuanglah
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Berjuanglah, seiya soiya, dengan sungguh-sungguh
    Tunjukkanlah kepalan tangan seerat mungkin dan semangat sebesar mungkin
    Dan pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Kita masih, seiya soiya, harus terus berjuang
    Meskipun kita akan merasa sedih dan takkan bisa bangkit lagi
    Seiya soiya, berjuanglah
    Pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oh wo'oh wo'oh.)
    Seiya soiya, berjuanglah
    Pertajamkanlah segalanya
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    BABYMETAL『Karate』Lyrics and Translation from "Metal Resistance" album.
    Japanese One Stop Lyrics - JOS TV _support_ _me_ _ig_ _@ariq_fadh_

  • @PaulMeranda
    @PaulMeranda 9 лет назад +190

    Tivoli said it perfectly in the Megitsune comments: It's every metalhead's guilty pleasure.

    • @Morfeusm
      @Morfeusm 9 лет назад +3


    • @MarshMellowChronic
      @MarshMellowChronic 9 лет назад +28

      no guilty pleasure here, just pleasure :)

    • @metal-gods
      @metal-gods 9 лет назад +16

      There's nothing guilty about it.

    • @ilikehalo77
      @ilikehalo77 9 лет назад +15

      only pleasure, nothing guilty about it

    • @Serenade314
      @Serenade314 9 лет назад +7

      If with guilty pleasure you mean obsession, then yes.

  • @killbotprime
    @killbotprime 6 месяцев назад +4

    Fun fact: these three badass high energy young ladies with the gorgeous voices are backup by some of the most talented musicians in all of Nippon. You have witnessed unadulterated badassery.

  • @bajszosjozsef4850
    @bajszosjozsef4850 9 лет назад +169

    The older girl has such a unique and beautiful voice.

    • @Darkone348
      @Darkone348 9 лет назад +31

      They're all great but yeah, Suzuka has an incredible voice.

    • @LIKEAB4WS
      @LIKEAB4WS 9 лет назад +19


    • @RazorEdge2006
      @RazorEdge2006 9 лет назад +13

      +Black Ursus József
      Yeah, Su-Metal has amazing vocals.

    • @Insertkoin
      @Insertkoin 9 лет назад

      +Black Ursus József Indeed

    • @jasonbriggs8656
      @jasonbriggs8656 9 лет назад +1

      +Black Ursus József Seems like she's had some vocal training since previous videos and it has paid off

  • @moametaI
    @moametaI 4 года назад +1294

    why are so many comments talking about anime???? it's not related whatsoever, this is a metal music video,,,

    • @WatcherEgil
      @WatcherEgil 4 года назад +270

      I agree with you. Too many people still believe that singing in japanese = singing for anime.

    • @capibaradeluxe9193
      @capibaradeluxe9193 4 года назад +7

      Gud ol animo

    • @姫いちご未来さくら
      @姫いちご未来さくら 4 года назад +46

      So that means kpop is basically singing for kdrama OOOOOKKKAAAAYYY LLLLLLLLOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Not you but to the people who think so)

    • @efrainvazquez4105
      @efrainvazquez4105 4 года назад +4

      Son tan bien chidori

    • @efrainvazquez4105
      @efrainvazquez4105 4 года назад +1

      O tú how

  • @SkpalTube
    @SkpalTube 4 года назад +288

    Who cares about the haters, purists anyway?
    They are missing their chance to experience this phenomenon - it's already lasted 10 years more than the naysayers thought it would last.
    Thanks to Su, Moa & Yui, and the entire Kamiband for entertaining us so much for a these years. Metal was never this refreshingly good, nor were the live shows such a source of joy, the overwhelming love and dedication of the 'ONE' fans makes this journey so epic and enthralling...

    • @amaterasouplel712
      @amaterasouplel712 4 года назад +14

      The metalhead purists are likely just annoyed that their favorite no name band that wouldn't be able to sell out a 500 person venue won't ever be this popular. Babymetal is a metal group whether they like it or not, and nobody cares what the 37 metalheads left have to say about it.

    • @Agave310
      @Agave310 4 года назад +7

      @@amaterasouplel712 they're also bitter their favorite metal band probably likes them.

    • @chonenjuanpi
      @chonenjuanpi 4 года назад +4

      Fun fact that while purists metalheads hate Baby Metal actual and legendary Metal bands respect and like them.

    • @boogerpantalones99
      @boogerpantalones99 4 года назад +1

      @@chonenjuanpi rob zombie for example

  • @lfazoglem
    @lfazoglem 7 месяцев назад +13

    I have been a metal rocker for more than 40 years and it was only a couple of weeks ago that I discovered this Japanese group BabyMetal and I must say, I love their proposal and freshness.
    I love these girls they are great 🤟🏼

  • @llSmallCrimesll
    @llSmallCrimesll 6 лет назад +680

    These guitar riffs have no right to kick so much ass

    • @Littlemsambitious
      @Littlemsambitious 6 лет назад +3

      llSmallCrimesll 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @iota8732
      @iota8732 6 лет назад +1

      So right

    • @johnlawful2272
      @johnlawful2272 6 лет назад +1

      @@Littlemsambitious look up a song call plastic love

  • @darkmysteria569
    @darkmysteria569 8 лет назад +148

    The best and genious thing about BabyMetal is because they are cute japanese girls using their real child voices and dancing, they are lucky girls having so much fun doing this. And because the musicians playing behind are Amazing. If BabyMetal was another guy screaming this band will not be a big thing. Some people don´t take babymetal serious because they are children singing . Who cares about their age, everyone was a child in the past. And most of people at their age never have the chance to doing something like this. So enjoy this, open your minds and have fun, they are awesome!

    • @MrRdlv
      @MrRdlv 8 лет назад +3

      more like yui and moa were lucky. as for su, babymetal project was made specifically for her

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад +6

      ***** I have to beg to differ, with no offense remotely intended. Babymetal was conceived for all three. I will concede the fact that Suzuka's talents would have taken her to success alone. Yet, Babymetal would never have achieved the success they currently are having without Yui and Moa complimenting Su. It is the combination of all three that makes Babymetal the true refreshing and unique experience that they are.

    • @ChronoTriggerHappy
      @ChronoTriggerHappy 8 лет назад +3

      the wierd thing is the lead singer is 18 now and the other 2 are 16, they arent actually that young (well i guess they were when they started, 14, 12 and 12 if i remember right, somewhere areound there) they are just very petite girls with pop voices wich they combine with moametal, the band that plays with them, who are freaking awesome as well. So anyone who has a problem with it needs to just chill out.

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад +2

      Chrono Triggerhappy Actually, and absolutely no offense intended, Su-Metal turned 19 on December 20th of last year, and both Yui and Moa turned 17 over the past summer. The group was originally formed in 2010 when Su was 13 and Yui and Moa were 11. However, your comment was wonderfully stated! KITSUNE UP!

    • @amyjones5966
      @amyjones5966 8 лет назад +2

      Su is 19 and Moa and Yui are 17

  • @Weegemz_
    @Weegemz_ 5 лет назад +394

    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Namida koborete mo
    (Ossu.) tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Aa ossu ossu.)
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Seiya sessesse seiya.
    Soiya sossosso soiya.
    Soiya soso soiya.
    (Ossu.) Kokoro orarete mo
    (Ossu.) tachimukatte yukooze!
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Hitasura seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kobushi o motto kokoro o motto
    zenbu zenbu togisumashite.
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    Mada mada seiya soiya tatakau-nda
    kanashiku natte tachiagare-naku natte mo.
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda)
    (zenbu zenbu togisumashite.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Seiya soiya tatakau-nda)
    (zenbu zenbu togisumashite.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)
    (Wo'oo wo'oo wo'oo.)

  • @Azarth-ist
    @Azarth-ist 4 месяца назад +9

    Entonces ahí estaba yo: Un venezolano 🇻🇪 en tierras Colombianas 🇨🇴, con mi mejor amigo, bailando Karate mientras lloraba de la felicidad. Fue el mejor día de mi vida.
    Gracias Babymetal.

  • @victorhinojosa9866
    @victorhinojosa9866 9 лет назад +1254

    Baby metal next Super Bowl please

    • @MrMonkeyCommander
      @MrMonkeyCommander 9 лет назад +76

      +Victor Hinojosa dude, I'm not even the biggest fan of this group (they're pretty alright) but if they played the Super Bowl, it would definitely be the best performance in years.

    • @danielomeara9620
      @danielomeara9620 9 лет назад +8


    • @JayKurox
      @JayKurox 9 лет назад +1

      +Daniel O'Meara they are yet highschool kids, so no chance to show up at the Super Bowl.

    • @MrMonkeyCommander
      @MrMonkeyCommander 9 лет назад +6

      +JayKurox what's the correlation between age and eligibility to perform at the super bowl?

    • @MrMonkeyCommander
      @MrMonkeyCommander 9 лет назад

      Skillhunter I'm very confused as to how this answers my question.

  • @nathancarman6653
    @nathancarman6653 6 лет назад +162

    I hate loving this band so much, it’s sad to hear the unfortunate events that have happen from losing Yui to losing they’re lead guitarist. I really hope despite all this that they last a long time. Acts like this are rare and times like this it awesome to have such huge talent. LONG LIVE BABYMETAL!!

  • @destructionman1
    @destructionman1 8 лет назад +173

    I really hope this band survives long term. What I mean by that is, I hope they keep up the awesome quality of music and performance, and avoid relying primarily on sex appeal and flashiness as they become more popular, like so many other one hit wonder pop bands do. Those things are great but like, when the guitarist is shredding a face-melting solo, focus on him. And costumes and choreographed dancing are cool too but the girls are vocalists when it comes down to it; hope they maintain their voice and don't burn out too early. Just my 2 cents. Love me some Babymetal!!!

    • @redfish337
      @redfish337 8 лет назад +6

      While BABYMETAL now always use amazing musicians in the Kami Band when they play live, those musicians have their own bands. They spare them the 12-20 hour shoots of miming...because that's what music videos always are unless it's specifically a live version. Music videos are by nature all flash and no music, and BABYMETAL only use the band when they need their actual musical talents. That could always change in the future, but that's how they're handling it now.
      BABYMETAL have been around for over 5 years, and have basically been a thing since 2013. They were already able to play the Budokan in early 2015.. So, I don't know where this "one hit wonder" talk is coming from... even if they dissolved today they'd leave behind a string of hits.

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад +4

      redfish337 The Kami Band did not perform live with Babymetal until 2013. The members of the Kami Band did have obligations to other groups which prevented them from performing live before then. Those obligations have been fulfilled and the Kami Band are totally dedicated to Babymetal now.

    • @redfish337
      @redfish337 8 лет назад +1

      Tawnku Imi-Uru Yes, that's why I say they perform with a live band now. But music videos aren't live. And despite what you say, the Kami Band members do a bunch of different activities and gigs on their own or with their own groups. Just check their twitter feeds to see what they're up to... it's not all BABYMETAL.

    • @tawnkuimi-uru7212
      @tawnkuimi-uru7212 8 лет назад +1

      redfish337 You are right. Poor choice of wording on my behalf. I should have said that the members of the Kami Band are primarily committed to Babymetal. Would that be more accurate?

    • @cavzach
      @cavzach 8 лет назад +8

      I doubt you have to worry about sex appeal being pushed. Now the Kawaii on the other hand.... LOL
      Their body of work is already quite diverse so I dont think they'll ever lose many fans because of them "changing their sound" either. I believe they're in good hands.

  • @にゃんパス-r6m
    @にゃんパス-r6m 15 дней назад +5


  • @mal9647
    @mal9647 5 лет назад +3161

    I can’t tell if I should be head banging or saying UwU

  • @gooseberriepi
    @gooseberriepi 5 лет назад +364

    You'd never expect cute girls with cute voices to be in a metal band, but here we are
    And I love it
    Their music is awesome

    • @milliethecoyote
      @milliethecoyote 5 лет назад +3

      Marigold Sunset hi

    • @gooseberriepi
      @gooseberriepi 5 лет назад +1

      @@milliethecoyote hey

    • @puppy7599
      @puppy7599 5 лет назад

      @ehud kotegaro they're only really famous because they are cute lol

  • @lckhrtz
    @lckhrtz 4 года назад +374

    why am i now discovering this, i wish i found out abt it earlier.

    • @freezenuts
      @freezenuts 4 года назад +2


    • @Khaled-ul9il
      @Khaled-ul9il 4 года назад +1

      we all thinking the same thing

    • @AanotherAardvark
      @AanotherAardvark 4 года назад +4

      I've been listening for 5 years. And as much as possible, that's been constant. Every drive (often hours to work and back), as much time at work as I could justify it, and at home too. That's a heck of a lot of time to devote to only 2 albums. (Now three; but that's a recent addition.)
      And even then, I also wish I'd found them sooner.
      There is simply not enough time in a lifetime to exhaust what Babymetal has to offer, imo.
      I hope you continue to enjoy it as I have.

    • @BrianS420
      @BrianS420 4 года назад +4

      Better late than never. \,,/

    • @myprofilepicsucks8668
      @myprofilepicsucks8668 4 года назад +3

      For some reason I only found out about them not so long ago (2 months ago) yet it's so nostalgic even tho I've never heard of them or their music

  • @YATTA64
    @YATTA64 10 месяцев назад +16

    Maybe Babymetal is about the friends we made along the way, all along...